Connect with Larry Todd Wilson

Larry Todd Wilson


Picture of Larry Todd WilsonPioneered the Knowledge Harvesting methodology, a transformative approach that turns tacit knowledge into explicit, tangible assets. This method has improved organizational performance and reduced knowledge loss across more than 40 organizations.

Worked with hundreds of experts to focus, articulate, package, and achieve extraordinary value for their hard-earned insights. 

Delivered knowledge management systems, commercial learning applications, patentable subject matter, trade secrets, playbooks, apps, machine learning inputs, and management systems for product portfolios, departments, and enterprises. These innovations have enhanced workflows for tens of thousands of users, provided access to expertise, and accelerated the acquisition of competencies.

As a principal consultant, led over 160 knowledge management projects, most of which included strategies and technologies for chunking, tagging, finding, and measuring valuable information and know-how across units, programs, projects, and roles. Helped create knowledge assets that contribute to corporate competitiveness, profitability, and valuation. Designed and led Knowledge Harvesting workshops for hundreds of knowledge management professionals, fostering its adoption.

An author and thought leader, contributed to the fields of knowledge management and artificial intelligence through dozens of articles, book chapters, conference presentations, and workshops. Have served as a knowledge management thought leader for several organizations, introducing influential ideas and practices. Notably, invented methods to augment working memory and tangibly reduce time-to-competency and the need for years of trial-and-error experience.

Current work continues to focus on creating solutions that bridge human expertise and AI capabilities. Knowledge Harvesting remains a replicable methodology for rapidly converting top-performer expertise into knowledge assets, improving organizational performance and protecting user organizations from knowledge degradation resulting from personnel losses, employee defections, and the unavailability of needed experts at the right time and place.

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