Datawatch, Michael Morrison, President and CEO:
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Self-service data preparation tools are rapidly being recognized as a necessary element to fully empower business analysts who are using modern self-service analytics tools like Tableau. Most users initially think about incorporating traditional sources of data like spreadsheets, Salesforce or enterprise application data, or an export from a data warehouse. But often the most important information needed is locked away in multi-structured documents and sources that seem impossible to use without rekeying the data. You may have production reports or third party documents that would add tremendous analytic value if only there were an easier way to utilize the document as a data source. That’s where Datawatch is unique. Our data preparation solution enables ordinary users to deliver extraordinary results with all their data. Only Datawatch can unlock data from the widest variety of sources and prepare it for use with visualization tools or other business processes. Users work directly with their data, much like you do with a spreadsheet, but you now have very powerful preparation tools at your fingertips without learning a scripting language. It’s the fastest and easiest way to aquire, transform, enrich and blend data. Datawatch is the most widely deployed data preparation platform in the market and is battle tested from single analyst deployments to thousands of users. You can get started today with the free version at
Datawatch Corporation
4 Crosby Drive
Bedford MA 01730
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