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Empolis, Dr. Stefan Wess CEO, View From the Top

"The right information, at the right time, to the right person, on the desired device" sounds like a simple concept but, in reality, it is often very difficult to implement.

Empolis' mantra is structure plus semantics, e.g. the combination of component content management plus knowledge management. Contents created and managed in a component content management system are uniquely combined with mined and generated knowledge about products, customers, their profiles, suppliers, and much, much more, in a knowledge management system to deliver intelligent, smart information and unparalleled added value. Empolis enterprise solutions take advantage of existing structures from available IT systems to simplify access to valuable big data with business analytics. Customers will become better, faster and more efficient.

With the highly integrated "Smart Information Management" approach, Empolis reaches unprecedented results: add value to information, optimize business-critical processes, make sound decisions in real time in extremely dynamic markets, develop marketable innovations, increase efficiency and flexibility in the workplace, and improve operational sustainability. Empolis software solutions are integrated in business- critical processes, resulting in longstanding, valuable partnerships between Empolis and its customers.

Empolis is a close, reliable partner for large companies and organizations across all branches worldwide. Empolis solutions help analyze, interpret and enrich the rapidly growing amount of available information and utilize it as an important asset within organizations. A relatively new aspect is that end customers are supported where they need it most: on their end unit. Empolis developed a solution with one of the leading German automobile manufacturers which directly delivers instructions to the driver on the onboard screen when a problem arises. Exasperating leafing through printed manuals and calls to the shop are a thing of the past.

The Empolis portfolio includes successful solutions in health care, with public institutions, tax and legal organizations, as well as the finance industry. A typical Empolis customer has an international, global orientation and needs support with complex challenges. Structured and unstructured information within and outside the organization must be analyzed, interpreted and automatically processed, just in time and in a situation-appropriate and task-relevant manner.

Smart Information Management represents comprehensive creation, management, analysis, intelligent processing and provision of all relevant information needed for business processes, regardless of source, format, user, location or device.

Empolis Information Management GmbH
Europaallee 10
67657 Kaiserslautern
Phone +49 631 68037 0
Fax +49 631 68037 77

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