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Metalogix, VP of Global Marketing, Mandy Sadowski: View from the Top

Maximize the Power of Your Enterprise Content

You’ve heard the old adage “content is king,” often applied to the publishing industry or to marketing. But “content is king” applies to nearly every organization, across industries and geographies. Think about your daily work life and how it’s driven by content—by emails from your vendors and clients, by spreadsheets and purchase orders with critical customer information, by graphical files showing your patients’ MRIs or your new drilling or manufacturing plans. Content isn’t only king; content is the lifeblood of our daily work lives.

For most organizations, enterprise content lives multiple locations. It lives in Microsoft SharePoint. And in file shares. And in Microsoft Exchange-based emails. And in lega-cy content management systems like eRoom and Exchange Public Folders. This data must be managed from the moment it is created, often times for years, due to internal policies or compliance regulations. The disparate nature of all this content, however, makes it nearly impossible for organizations to get the most their valuable data.

At Metalogix, our customers have been seeking to remove the boundaries that keep them from fully leveraging the power of information spread across SharePoint, Exchange and File systems. We deliver solutions that help simplify and optimize the management of enterprise content, unlock the full potential of organization-wide data and remove limits to its scalability. Metalogix helps organizations scale and cost-effectively manage, migrate, store, archive and protect enterprise content whether on-premise or in the cloud.

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Washington DC  20015


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