Integreon presents eView 4.0
Integreon has released a new version of eView, its hosted document review platform. eView 4.0 features Adaptive Coding technology to automate categorization, prioritization and batch coding during the e-discovery review process. The approach involves machine-learning techniques, workflow design and analysis consultation to provide cost-effective, high-quality reviews for legal departments and law firms, the company says.
Integreon reports that Adaptive Coding integrates concept-based categorization from Content Analyst within the eView review platform. The technology uses latent semantic indexing to automatically identify patterns in the relationships between terms and concepts to efficiently conduct reviews for responsiveness and privilege.
eView can be used independently or combined with the company's Managed Review services, which are delivered by a global review team comprised of hundreds of lawyers from Integreon's global delivery centers in the United States, United Kingdom, India and Philippines, the company says.