Barry K. Dayton

Knowledge Management Strategist

Picture of Barry K. DaytonBarry K. Dayton


Knowledge Management Strategist

Knowledge Management Program Office

3M Center

Bldg. 0225-3S-05

St. Paul, MN 55144



Barry leads the Knowledge Management Program Office (KMPO) for 3M, which is based out of Strategy and Corporate Development, and serves as a corporate center of expertise and internal consultancy for improving 3M's business performance through the mindful application of KM tools and practices.  KMPO currently has over twenty engagements spanning all functions, several businesses and forty countries.


Prior to 2002, when Barry began to focus on KM for 3M, he developed and implemented guidelines for improved identification and hiring of 3M's future innovators, and programs for improved leadership of innovation.  Barry has held various positions in R&D, manufacturing, and human resources.  He has experience with technologies such as non-wovens, micro-replication, and injection molding, and with products such as audio tape recorders, respirators, and contact lenses.


Barry has presented at various KM conferences, and has been a guest lecturer at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management, the University of St. Thomas, and the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology.  Barry continues to participate in joint research with organizations such as the Network Roundtable, and he is past president of the Twin Cities Knowledge Management Forum.


Barry earned his Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from Iowa State University.  He enjoys flying airplanes and traveling with his wife and daughter.


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