Bo Yang

Sr. Manager, Process KM Program
Pfizer Inc

Bo is the Program Manager for the Process Knowledge Management initiative in Pfizer’s Global Manufacturing Business Technology organization. In this role, Bo works very closely with executive sponsors and business customers to define the KM strategies and deliver the technical solutions. Bo is also actively promoting Knowledge discovery and sharing culture across the Pfizer manufacturing business units. In this program, Bo managed the implementation and delivery of Community of Practice and Enterprise Search solutions. Prior to this role, Bo was Principle Scientist at Pfizer, implementing scientific informatics tools and solutions to help Pfizer scientists design compounds and access scientific data during the drug discovery process. With over 9 years combined experience in pharmaceuticals research, scientific information system development and business implementation, Bo has extensive experience in aligning business objectives and value chains with corporate IT infrastructure, managing internal and external customer relationships, and deploying global IT solutions.

KMWorld 2011

KMWorld 2010

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