Connect with Dave Pollard

Dave Pollard

CKO (retired)
Ernst & Young; Chartered Accountants of Canada

Picture of Dave Pollard in 2010, after 40 years trying to work within the industrial growth society (including 10 years as CKO at Ernst & Young), Dave resigned from it. During that time he advised clients and communities about starting and running a business, innovation, research, sustainability, coping with complexity, and the effective use of knowledge and social media, and in 2007 authored his first book, Finding the Sweet Spot: A Natural Entrepreneur's Guide to Responsible, Sustainable, Joyful Work. Dave is the author of the weblog How to Save the World, which documents what he's learned about how the world really works, and how we might create better ways to live and make a living.

This year he comes out of retirement to show you, and encourage you to play with, a new card deck developed by a team of 50 bright people depicting best practices in deliberative group processes (meetings, conversations, planning sessions etc.). It reinforces what he's always believed: the most important knowledge sharing has always happened in interactive conversations, and the most memorable learning comes from play. He welcomes you all to the KMWorld community and hopes to engage you in conversations and stories about things that matter to you in your work, and in the world.

KMWorld 2012

KMWorld 2009

KMWorld & Intranets 2008

KMWorld & Intranets 2007

KMWorld & Intranets 2006

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