David Bennet

Co-Founder and Principal
Mountain Quest Institute

     Dr. David Bennet is Co-Founder of Mountain Quest Institute, a research and retreat center nestled in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia focused on achieving growth and understanding through questions for knowledge, consciousness and meaning. David’s experience spans many years of service in the Military, Civil Service and Private Industry, including fundamental research in underwater acoustics and nuclear physics and frequent design and facilitation of organizational interventions.  Dr. Bennet has degrees in Physics, Mathematics, Nuclear Physics, Human and Organizational Systems, Human Development, and Liberal Arts. He is co-author of the seminal work, Organizational Survival in the New World: The Intelligent Complex Adaptive System (Elsevier, 2004), a new theory of the firm based on research in complexity and neuroscience and incorporating networking theory and knowledge management.

KMWorld 2011

KMWorld 2010

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