Denise Lee


Picture of Denise LeeDenise Lee is a Director at PwC. Ms. Lee has more than 20 years of experience, focused primarily on organizational learning, strategic communications and knowledge management in the Federal sector. Ms. Lee is a demonstrated subject matter expert in projects that assist organizations in developing a knowledge-centric culture through designing and implementing innovative projects that imbed unique practices into work processes such as the use of narrative methodologies. She is also a founding member of Golden Fleece the leading community of practice on the use of narrative in the organizational setting. Ms. Lee is currently focused on developing innovative approaches to knowledge sharing and communications issues.  She designed and created the PwC Knowledge Retention methodology and is leading a research team on PwC;s approach to Social in government. Ms. Lee holds a Masters in Organizational Learning from George Mason University, is a Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM), and was an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University, UMUC and Kent State. She has authored contributions to a wide range of books and articles in addition to having extensive public speaking experience.

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