Francesco Calabrese

ExMG, Inc.

Picture of Francesco CalabreseFor over 55 years Dr. Francesco A. Calabrese and the teams on which he participates have brought innovative and practical technical and leadership results to private, public, and academic client enterprises. A systems engineer by training, experience and aptitude he has consistently been cast into leadership roles and demonstrated the ability to build cohesive and effective teams with diverse human capital resources and in multiple functional areas spanning both domestic and International venues. In the knowledge transformation, continuous process improvement arena he recently led the creation of 20 KM Workshop/Seminar sessions and continuing discussion/brainstorming forums. The effort concluded with measurable successes and acknowledged momentum for the expected culture changes. An earlier example involved influencing the KM Awareness transformation for a 39-nation region of the World Health Organization, in a bi-lingual environment. In 2012 he joined the International Visiting Faculty established by Bangkok University to teach and advise Doctoral student candidates in Thailand’s first PhD program in Knowledge and Innovation Management “(KIM”). Senior Fellow at the George Washington University (GWU) Institute for Knowledge and Innovation (IKI), where he served as IKI’s Managing Director and Associate Director for Research and Business Alliances since 2002. Executive Director I2KI since Septmenber 2013, and Founder/President ExMG A Management Consulting/Mentoring firm since 1990. A major portion of his 55 plus professional years have been spent in project management and enterprise leadership/mentoring roles. EDUCATION D.Sc., M.S., Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, GWU; B.S., Civil Engineering, Drexel University, 1955; Certified Professional Success Coach, The Success Coach Institute, 2011

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