Howard J. Deane

Managing Director
Acme Metric Company Ltd.

Howard J. Deane, CPA, CA Mr. Deane is a seasoned knowledge, technology and information consultant, with primary focuses on knowledge management, knowledge transfer, social media, consumer research, and search strategies. He consults in both the private and public sectors through The Acme Metric Company Ltd. Mr. Deane is cofounder and active member of the Toronto Chief Knowledge Officer Forum. His interest in Knowledge Management arose out of work done in the early 1990’s and a transition from technology consulting to information management efforts and greater involvement with KPMG’s Canadian and Global Intranet/Internet strategies and properties. His interest in social media and online search is a natural progression of the knowledge and information management field. He is a Chartered Accountant with more than 30 years of experience, mostly with KPMG, and most recently as National Director of KM for the Canadian firm, managing significant portions of the firm’s knowledge and research functions. His international experience is considerable, most notably as a member of the Global KM Steering Committee, Chair of KPMG’s Global KM Core Advisory Team, and in managing the IT Consulting Group for KPMG in The Bahamas.

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