Ian Coyne

Sector Knowledge Manager
Russell Reynolds Associates

Ian Coyne is Sector Knowledge Manager with Russell Reynolds Associates in the UK.  Prior to joining Russell Reynolds, Ian was the Head of Knowledge & Research for KPMG Global Markets. During his tenure with KPMG, Ian has held various roles from Tax Technology Consultant to leading KPMG’s Innovation Hub. Prior to KPMG, he was a software developer and also spent time in sales.

Ian holds an MBA from ENPC School of International Management (Paris) and a Diploma in Business from Edinburgh University.

Ian has always focused on changing organizations to improve people's working lives: from revolutionizing remote working practices, including the introduction of mobile email, to spearheading KPMG’s first global crowdsourcing platform: Brave Banana.

Outside of work, Ian is often found on the cricket pitch both as a player and as a youth coach at his local club. When British weather permits, Ian is occasionally found on the golf course.

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