Connect with Jane Dysart

Jane Dysart

Curator of Curiosity
Dysart & Jones Associates, Canada

Picture of Jane DysartPrior to founding Dysart & Jones in 1992, Jane spent seventeen years as Manager, Information Resources with Royal Bank of Canada.  Thanks in part to her work as head of its state-of-the-art information resources department, the company entered a decade of profound and rapid technologies change well positioned to take advantage of the changes that were to come.  Her extensive experience makes Jane a frequently requested speaker on topics ranging from vision and leadership to information technology and change management strategies at conferences and industry events.  She teaches continuing education and professional development courses with the University of Toronto's Faculty of Information Studies. Jane is former President of Special Libraries Association, and recipient of that organization's John Cotton Dana Award.  Jane spends many of her days planning conferences for Information Today (Computers in Libraries, Internet Librarian, KMWorld), for the Special Libraries Association KM Division (2010 & 2011), for webcom (Toronto Apr 7 event), for IFLA KM Section (Gothesburg 2010 & Puerto Rico 2011).  So if you have suggestions for topics or speakers, she is always listening!

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