Jim Wessely

Advanced Document Sciences

Mr. Wessely is president and co-founder of Advanced Document Sciences, a consulting firm focused upon enterprise information organization and access.  He has worked with document technologies since 1985, and spent many years researching and designing application solutions using text analysis, text mining, and unstructured information technologies.  This background led Mr. Wessely to taxonomy design and implementation through content analysis.  Mr. Wessely previously worked for IBM Global Services, where he helped clients to develop strategies and solutions for enterprise portals, content management, taxonomies, text analysis, and text mining.  Prior to his work with IBM, Mr. Wessely was the principal architect for numerous advanced computational solutions in DuPont's Central Research & Development, where his primary focus was upon unstructured information technologies and global scale information portals.

Mr. Wessely has been a frequent presenter at conferences in both the United States and Europe on diverse topics such as portal design and architectures, enterprise content strategies, taxonomy, advanced information access, and personalized information delivery.

KMWorld & Intranets 2008

KMWorld & Intranets 2006

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