Connect with Jo Lyon

Jo Lyon

Knowledge Management Lead
Oxfam GB

Picture of Jo LyonI have been working for Oxfam GB since 2000 in various digital capacities: website producer; knowledge and information manager in our UK Poverty Programme; manager of the Programme Resource Centre, which provided programme learning and knowledge management support to programme staff round the world; and latterly Knowledge Management Lead. As part of this role I led the team responsible for Oxfam GB's intranet and other collaboration tools for three years, and in 2012 began working with IT colleagues in other affiliates to plan collaboration support for our shift towards working together as One Oxfam. 

I led the conceptual design stage of what became known as the Find, Connect, Collaborate, Consolidate project (or FC3), and am still a core member of the project team. I am currently focused on ensuring that the project's collaboration and knowledge sharing potential is realised, and that our digital workplace continues to evolve in ways that support this. 

Before Oxfam, I was a technology journalist, writing about the online information industry in the early days of the world wide web. I was Reporter and then Deputy Editor of Information World Review, the European sister paper to Information Today, and also Managing Editor of the UK version of Knowledge Management magazine. I learnt my HTML in the 90s, and started blogging in 2002.

I have a MA in Social & Political Sciences from the University of Cambridge. 

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