Connect with John Nelson

John Nelson

Project Manager
Dynamics Research Corporation

John Nelson is a Project Manager with Dynamics Research Corporation.  A retired Army officer, Mr. Nelson currently manages a number of knowledge management projects for the US Army.  Mr. Nelson has been involved in a variety of knowledge management efforts and has extensive experience facilitating and managing military communities of practice.  He has been responsible for the integration of the over 60 communities of practice into a coherent professional network.  By fusing Knowledge Management and Lean Six Sigma methodologies, he led efforts to design complex, large scale knowledge networks for Army organizations.  Mr. Nelson is a 1987 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and holds Masters of Science degrees from the University of Central Florida in both Training Simulations and Engineering Management.  Mr. Nelson is a graduate of the US Army's Command and General Staff Officers Course, a Certified Knowledge Management Professional (CKMP) and a Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.

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