Kim Hai Neo

Head SAF KM Office
Singapore Armed Forces

Mr Neo holds the title of Assistant Director (Knowledge Systems) and currently heads the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) KM Office. He reports to the SAF CIO in overseeing the visioning and master-planning of knowledge and learning management initiatives for the SAF. His current focus is in shaping the future space for SAF to leverage and exploit learning and knowledge management to support the SAF Transformation into the 3rd Generation SAF through the deployment of an enterprise System for Innovation, Learning and Knowledge (eSILK). Mr Neo spent most part of his career in the Singapore Ministry of Defence focusing on providing IT solutions for training and learning in the armed forces. He was amongst the pioneers to introduce battlefield simulations or wargaming into the Army in the mid 80’s and in the early 90’s manages projects in masterplanning and establishing Information Technology infrastructure for training schools and institutions like SAFTI Military Institute, Air Force School and the Changi Naval Training Base and was instrumental in implementing eLearning for the SAF in the late 90’s by leveraging on the Internet to deliver training anywhere, anytime to the servicemen.

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