Connect with Manjula Ambur

Manjula Ambur

Information Management Branch Chief
NASA Langley Research Center

Picture of Manjula AmburMs. Manjula Ambur has over 25 years of experience in information and information technology management , with 20 years at the NASA Langley Research Center. Currently Ms. Ambur leads the Information Management Branch, within the Office of Chief Information Officer at Langley, which is responsible for developing and providing Center wide information systems and services for finding, discovering, sharing, storing and archiving scientific and technical data and information. She is also currently leading NASA Enterprise Search prototype and NASA Digital Library initiatives, and represents Langley on the NASA-wide Enterprise Architecture and Knowledge Management Teams. Prior to her current position, as IT Project Manager, Ms. Ambur successfully led many Center-wide initiatives such as web communications portal, document management system, financial information system, and Y2K, and NASA-wide on-line catalog. She has also led the development of NASA Langley Knowledge Management plan and represented Langley in the development of Agency eNASA plan and Inside NASA portal implementation. Ms. Ambur has Master’s degrees in Computer Information Systems, Library and Information Science, and Biology.

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