Mark J Weinstein

Knowledge Management Officer
Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs & Border Protection

Mark Weinstein is a Management and Program Analyst for the Strategic Planning Branch of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs & Border Protection’s (CBP) Administration and Planning Division working directly in the Immediate Office of Chief Financial Officer..  A former Government Contracting Officer for over two decades, Mr. Weinstein also is the Office of Finance (OF) Knowledge Management Officer responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the CBP OF Knowledge Management System. As Chairperson of CBP's Acquisition Improvement Initiative's Knowledge Management Team, he was also responsible for leading an Integrated Project Team of procurement, industry and IT professionals over a 2 year period  to produce The Acquisition Resource Management System, (ARMS) .  The CBP Procurement Directorate’s knowledge management solution, the Acquisition Resource Management System (ARMS) was successfully launched on 1 October, 2007.  An article detailing the implementation of the ARMS is scheduled to be published in Contract Management Magazine in December 2009.   As Project Manager of the OF Knowledge Management Program, he continues to lead and manage a Government /Industry Integrated Project Team which successfully developed and deployed the OF Knowledge Management System..

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