Monica Chhina

Manager, Knowledge Management
Nexen Inc.

Monica Chhina is the Manager of Knowledge Management (KM) at Nexen Inc. She initiated the KM programme at Nexen in November, 2002 and is accountable for establishing the KM strategy and the initiatives to achieve the strategy. Monica was motivated to instigate KM at Nexen by Larry Prusak and Tom Davenport's book Working Knowledge in 2001. She had been with Nexen for 18 years and held roles in Divisional and Corporate Accounting, Corporate Planning and led the implementation of SAP at Nexen prior to KM. Being a long term employee and having held diverse roles in the company, Monica recognized opportunities where KM could add value. The consortia Working Knowledge led by Larry Prusak and Tom Davenport at Babson College and the University of Virginia’s Network Roundtable led by Rob Cross, allowed her to participate in a rich network of companies interested in moving KM forward. Monica’s participation in this network allowed her to learn from early KM adopters which helped shape Nexen's KM strategy. Monica is a professional accountant by training.

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