Randy Adkins

Senior Partner

Picture of Randy Adkins


Randy N. Adkins is a Senior Partner for FACTeam and is responsible for strategy development and implementation of learning and knowledge management solutions and knowledge process engineering. He is currently supporting clients including the NASA Safety Center in Cleveland Ohio.  Formerly, he was Director of the Air Force Knowledge Management Center of Excellence.  Under Mr. Adkins leadership, “Air Force Knowledge Now” grew to be the largest knowledge management system in the federal government with over 320,000 registered members across the DoD.   Mr. Adkins won the “Hammer” award for Reinventing government in 1998 for his work in Elearning and was named one of the 2005 Federal 100 award winners for leaders who made a difference in federal information technology.  He held a variety of positions throughout his 31 year career with the Air Force.  He has B.A. degree from Texas Tech University and a M.B.A. from the University of Dayton. 



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