Richard Burdes

Web Developer
Airways New Zealand

Picture of Richard BurdesRichard has been a web developer for 10 years, the last seven at Airways New Zealand.

Airways is New Zealand's Air Traffic Control provider - a small organization of 750 people. Within his current role he is responsible for developing and maintaining the company intranet and external facing customer sites.

Richard has a large focus on moving previously paper based systems into online workflows to not only save labour time, but also allow managers to know where / what the status each request they are dealing with.

A couple of examples of such workflow systems would be the development of an Innovation Zone - an online workflow to allow staff to input ideas that can then be built up into business cases, a second example would be creation of an online examination tool for Air Traffic Controllers - used to build and deploy competency exams to ensure Air Traffic Controllers are meeting the required knowledge and safety standards.

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