Sandra Valéria Gilberti Prenstteter

Gerente de DHO/ Human and Organizational Development Manager

Picture of Sandra Valéria Gilberti PrenstteterSandra is graduated in Psychology and has 3 especializations: Psychodrama, Human Resorces and Corporate Education Management. Besides, she has a MBA in Estrategic Corporate Management.

Sandra made her career in Human Resources and has more than 12 years of experience acting with projects in important areas: Corporate Education, Training and Development, Knowledge Management, Recruting and Selection, Culture and Climate Organizational, Leadership Programs, Mapping Skills and Competences, Coaching, Succession Programs, Trainees Programs and Social and Volunteering Projects.

She is working at Schincariol for 9 years, in Human and Organization Directory. Currently she manages important projects in Internal Communication, Social Responsability, Knowledge Management, Corporate Education, Leadership Programs and Culture and Climate Organizational.

KMWorld 2012

KMWorld 2011

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