Zachary Baquet

Strategy & Learning Adviser
US Agency for International Development (USAID)

Picture of Zachary BaquetZachary Baquet serves as Strategy & Learning Adviser for USAID’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS) where he works on evidence aggregation and synthesis and knowledge sharing and learning activities. This includes overseeing the Feed the Future (FTF) - Knowledge, Data, Learning, & Training (KDLT) Activity, development of evidence gap maps, and understanding where different interventions are implemented. Baquet joined USAID as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellow in USAID’s Office of Agriculture (2008-2010). In the Office of Agriculture, he worked on food security, the integration of climate change and natural resources management into agriculture programming, and established its knowledge management portfolio. In 2010, Baquet joined the Bureau for Food Security where he launched the technical website Agrilinks (, established Agrilinks' long running webinar series, and worked on the Feed the Future Learning Agendas. Baquet has an undergraduate degree in Physics and Astronomy and received his Ph.D. in molecular biology. Baquet has published articles from developmental neurosceince to knowledge management.

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