
Friday, October 19, 2012

Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Keynote: KM Saves Lives
8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing
Dr Gary Klein, Senior Scientist, MacroCognition LLC
Colonel Nate Allen, U.S. Army, National Defense University iCollege & Co-Founder, CompanyCommand.army.mil and PlatoonLeader.army.mil
Dr Nancy Dixon, Principal & Founder, Common Knowledge Associates

This keynote panel, interviewed by Patrick Lambe, explores the idea, through military, healthcare, and emergency response contexts, that KM is not just a backroom support function but can have significant impact on people’s lives and organizational performance. The panel shares how lessons from KM practices in these contexts can raise the stakes for, and impact of KM in, other organizational contexts.

Keynote: How The Cloud Transforms Search
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Jon Handler, Solutions Architect, CloudSearch, A9

Jon HandlerWant to know the top ten ways the cloud will change traditional search? Join us to get the latest insights which will definitely impact your future.

Coffee Break
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Track A - Accelerating Knowledge Sharing
Moderator: Megan K Fox, Director of Knowledge Management and IT, Jobs for the Future

Lots of tips and tricks in this series of sessions looking at how to put knowledge in the flow of organizational operations and decisions, how to get IT and KM to work effectively together, how to create portals for true knowledge sharing, and more.

A301: Putting Knowledge in the Flow
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Darcy Lemons, Senior Advisor, Advisory Services, APQC

How do leading organizations effectively integrate knowledge-sharing approaches and capabilities with key business processes to enable employees at their teachable moment when they most need content, information, or expert knowledge to finish a task or make a decision, making it “just enough, just in time, and just for me?” Hear the results of APQC’s recent KM best-practice research study to explore how organizations across industries successfully embed knowledge sharing and transfer into the flow of work and core business processes. Discover how it improved access to knowledge and expertise with the use of social media. Learn how APQC has increased engagement and participation in knowledge sharing and collaboration. Understand how it articulates the tangible and intangible benefits and gathers proven practices that you can immediately take back to your KM core team and other stakeholders to improve performance within your organization.

A302: KM — Is There an App for That?!
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Kyle Strand, Lead Knowledge Management Specialist and Head of Library, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Micha van Waesberghe, Specialist, Knowledge and Learning, Inter-American Development Bank

It is increasingly common that conversations about KM —and organizational KM functions— are dominated by IT. From BlackBerries to iPads (mobile), wikis to intranet blogs (social), and SharePoint to ERPs (institutional), there is a wealth of technology tools out there that makes our work easier. In such a fast-moving IT innovation driven environment, have KM and IT become one and the same? What does KM even mean or do if you separate it from technology? Blanketed by messages on how the next great platform, app, or gadget will solve all of our communication, collaboration, and work process challenges, who can blame organizations for looking to technology as the answer? Who needs KM if there’s an app for that? There’s no denying that IT is a critical enabler of modern-day KM, but is there really an IT solution for every KM challenge? Even with ever-more-powerful tools, knowledge and learning-related organizational issues have not disappeared. Organizations that count on IT alone to “do KM” end up wasting valuable resources and missing out on the value KM can add as a competitive differentiator. Collaborative technology does not buy collaborative behavior. Innovative technology alone does not spur innovation. Using a creative delivery method, two KM-IT practitioners invite participants to explore the value of KM beyond IT and how they can effectively work together. Reconnect with the essence of KM and how it can be a powerful force for change and innovation in organizational performance.

Attendee Luncheon
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
A303: Portals: Getting Smaller With Social
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Robert Maguire, Executive Director, Merck SBS, Enterprise Portal and Support Services, Merck

Sync, Merck’s enterprise portal, has become an invaluable asset for creating connections between employees, executives, and clients and ensuring a global alignment with Merck’s mission. Central to the vision for Sync was the integration of social media tools to make the organization “smaller” to ensure connection and alignment leading to a culture of success. Maguire shares real-world examples of how users have connected and stayed aligned both within and across Merck through the use of Sync. He provides lessons learned and ideas for other organizations that want to utilize an enterprise portal to foster connections across globally dispersed employees while embracing social media and creating a culture of success across the enterprise.

A304: Search, Taxonomies, & Leveraging SharePoint
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise

Making information stored on a corporate intranet findable to 15,000 global users requires multiple taxonomies organized into a logical collection of managed metadata, as well as SharePoint 2010 with improved search functionality, enabling collaboration in a secure environment. By being directly involved in helping to refine search results in SharePoint, rather than simply developing taxonomies itself, an organization can make sure that the taxonomies are actually working in SharePoint to produce a better search experience, giving more accurate and usable search results. Earley shares tips, lessons learned, and more!

Track B - Knowledge Sharing & Work
Moderator: Cabot Yu, Project Leader, Solutions and Information Management Branch, Citizenship & Immigration Canada

Enabling enterprises to work more effectively and share knowledge is a major goal for most organizations. This track begins with a look at the business world in a different light, discusses how to identify knowledge processes, do a workforce technology assessment, and use case management to create a flexible organization.

B301: Serendipity Economy: A Different Perspective
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Daniel W. Rasmus, Founder & Principal Analyst, Serious Insights Author

The Serendipity Economy is a parallel economy that has existed for a long time in the shadow of the productivity- and efficiency-laden industrial economy. It belies many of the assumptions we have about outputs and outcomes by gaining value through patience and leveraging accidental encounters as they occur. It’s a structure that exists regardless of people’s interaction with it, but it is most effective as a conduit and facilitator for knowledge. In fact, it is the relationship between production and knowledge that offers the most striking contrasts to the industrial age model of work. In this cutting-edge analysis, Rasmus draws the connections to the work of knowledge stewards and social intrapreneurs, reveals structures in the world around us that people see every day, but because they are bound by industrial age metaphors, they fail to appreciate. See the world through a very different lens!

B302: Identifying Knowledge Process Gaps to Increase iWork Efficiency
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Tim Walters, Partner & Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group

Today, information-centric enterprises depend increasingly on “knowledge processes” (Moore, 2010). Unlike industrial and business processes, knowledge processes (KPs) are neither formalizable nor predictable. The content counts more than the process. The actors — and their inputs — warp the process flow in ways that cannot be anticipated and codified. Because the enterprise is structured to support predictable industrial/business processes, there is an increasingly problematic “knowledge process gap.” A given business work flow, such as responding to a high-value RFP, founders when actors responsible for nonformalizable KP elements do not have access to information and community input at the right time and in the right context. This presentation demonstrates the critical business value of knowledge processes and provides actionable advice on how to identify under-supported processes.

Attendee Luncheon
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
B303: Workforce Tech Needs Assessment
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
TJ Keitt, Analyst, Forrester Research

Too often, workplace technology strategies, such as next-generation desktops, collaboration programs, and mobile provisioning, get caught up in internal politics, policy, and technology hype. Methods such as IT and business stakeholder interviews and focus groups go only so far in assessing needs and justifying investments. To have a fact-based conversation about what your employees really need from technology, you have to ask them. For major strategic investments, blend your assessment techniques to get the most complete picture. This session covers the pros and cons of various assessment techniques and shows how you can use workforce segmentation to move beyond a one-size-fits-all approach to save costs and increase satisfaction with workplace technologies. See how others use assessments to drive workplace strategies forward.

B304: Building Effective Knowledge Operations
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Lt Col David Sanchez, Deputy Program Manager, USAF Pilot Physician Program, Air Force Medical Service

Starting up an enterprise collaboration initiative does not rest with the IT department alone. This presentation illustrates how the US Air Force is leveraging Air Force Medical Service and Army Medical Command best practices to deploy Knowledge Operations across eleven Major Commands and 43 Functional Areas for a user population of over 700,000 members. A true case of knowledge sharing! Get lots of tips and insights from our engaging speaker.

Track C - Culture, Collaboration & KM
Moderator: Anne Caputo, Principal, Anne Caputo Consulting LLC

Everyone agrees that the people side of KM is the toughest. Get some concrete strategies, practices, tips, and more from our speakers. They focus on collaboration, change management, and using new tools to support knowledge sharing.

C301: Online Communities Roadmap
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Catherine Shinners, Principal & Founder, Merced Group


Building and supporting an online community is a powerful way to support innovation, create leadership relationships, connect with customers to gain new insights and transform internal organizational productivity. You can also gain useful market intelligence about the concerns of community members to further enable innovative product and marketing strategies. If you're thinking of building an online community or have started on the path, but are not sure you have all the elements in place, this session provides you with a practical roadmap for community strategy, planning, launch and early stage adoption, and engagement practices, including the use of social media.

It is based on a successful online community sponsored by a major high tech corporation to promote innovation in education and serve one of its important markets. However, the practices and lessons learned can be easily applied to a wide variety of online communities that are designed to enable innovation. This talk guides you through a community strategy process that is aligned with the business strategy and focused on innovation. It includes identifying and surveying stakeholders, accurately assessing and clarifying the unmet needs of the community stakeholders to drive the user experience, developing content and programming plans, and creating a marketing plans through a variety of social media channels, and more.



C302: Change Management & KM
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Ramin Assa, Knowledge Management Manager, Booz Allen Hamilton

More than implementing a software application, KM requires effective strategy, stakeholders’ buy-in, and a cultural change to inspire knowledge sharing. Get tips to help your organization transition from a current state to a desired state where knowledge sharing becomes an organizational norm and part of the business processes. This session outlines the strategy and change management methodologies used for creating a robust knowledge enterprise. It focuses on the top 10 guiding principles of change management. Assa highlights the challenges, lessons learned, and related social networking and community management efforts that ultimately led to end-user adoption of the knowledge systems and enhanced collaboration capabilities.

Attendee Luncheon
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
C303: Innovation, Change Management, & Business Optimization
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Eric Hunter, Director of Knowledge Strategy, Bradford & Barthel, LLP
Scott Rechtschaffen, Chief Knowledge Officer, Littler Mendelson
John Alber, Strategic Technology Partner, Bryan Cave

Hear how three firms invested in KM innovation as a way to transform their practices. They hired chief knowledge officers, provided them with staff and funding that is separate from IT groups, and charged them with creating tools to support both clients and attorneys facing disruption in traditional billing models. Learn the stories from case management knowledge innovation; team creation dedicated solely toward innovation; and Google Apps, Google+, and cloud-driven alternative business models through knowledge collaboration integration innovation.

C304: KM & Sustainable Growth
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Guy Shechter, Sr. Dir., Global Operations, Medical Affairs, Philips Healthcare
Jeff Jorge, Executive Partner, GDP | Global Development Partners

Three years ago, the Office of Medical and Health Affairs at Philips Healthcare, was created with a vision for improving the use of health knowledge to inform decision making at the company. Schechter describes the people, processes, and tools that have been assembled to drive organization improvement including rapid prototyping, social networking, SharePoint, working with Corporate IT, search, medical ontologies, and more. Jorge shares first-hand accounts, insights, tools and proven methodologies that are currently being applied in one of the fast-growing KM solutions’ markets, Brazil. He discusses the unique dynamics of this fast-growing market, how to identify opportunities and how to overcome potential roadblocks. He provides actionable insights to help your company accelerate growth domestically and overseas.

Closing Keynote
Making KM Strategic
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

Making KM strategic means looking harder at knowledge flows naturally occurring in human society and using technology to augment that process rather than trying to force humans to conform to the needs of technology. It means drawing boundaries around the limits of technology, including the lure of social media, as not all things that work in public work within an organization. How do we balance between the excessive order and structure of traditional KM and the near anarchy of social computing? Gain insights and ideas from our popular speaker.

Program Table of Contents

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