
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
KEYNOTE: Big Data Vs Human Data
8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

Will information come from the misty mountains of the internet or the cloud with no human engagement as Big Data suggests? Don’t we need human sensors to share knowledge? Our popular and provocative speaker discusses the cycles of techno-fetishism that try and ignore the importance of human intelligence, seeking to create the great algorithm which will answer the questions of life, the universe, and everything else. Big Data is important, but it’s only the start of the journey, and savvy organizations realize they need a synthesis of machine and human intelligence. Get lots of insights and ideas to take home to your organization.

KEYNOTE: Enterprise Search in Virtual Environments
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
John Patzakis, President & CEO, X1

John PatzakisVirtualized data centers, cloud infrastructures, and virtual desktop environments are gaining critical mass in the enterprise. While there are many compelling benefits associated with this trend, one emerging and serious challenge is the search and retrieval of large datasets residing in enterprise private clouds and other virtual environments. Hear how organizations are solving these challenges and driving revenues for their organizations.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Search Showcase
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Track A - KM Strategies & Practices
Location: Grand Ballroom North, Ballroom Level
Moderator: Connie Crosby, Principal, Crosby Group Consulting

Hear from KM savvy organizations and practitioners as they share their strategies for building collaborative cultures, knowledge creation and reuse, clever thinking, and more.

A201: KM Techniques: Embedding, Revitalizing, & Tools
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Suzanne Wingfield, Knowledge Management Technologist, Rolls Royce plc
Anne Rogers, Director, Research & Knowledge Services, Cargill
Dr. Donna M. Hendrix, Knowledge Management Lead CCP, Projects & Technology, Shell Canada

Hear about the business impact of the Rolls Royce KM 2-day global event to engage with employees company-wide in learning and sharing how to improve efficiency and/or effectiveness through KM. Rogers shares her story of overhauling Cargill’s vintage research and development document system to meet the needs of a new, KM 2.0 world. The stakes are high to protect intellectual property, and at the same time, corporations emphasize collaboration and knowledge sharing, and practitioners expect “Google like” search. Hear how Cargill used advanced technical capabilities such as search and workflow and the adaptation of an old-fashioned hierarchical thesaurus to support search. Hendrix discusses the tools, processes, and behaviors needed to have a successful implementation of KM on a mega project. She shares successes and challenges in using SharePoint for knowledge sharing, communication and collaboration, in the After Action Review process, Lessons Learned, Site Visits, and more.

A202: Connection, Collaboration, & Culture Change
12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Andy Lee, Global Director of Unified Social Business, Unisys

Learn how Unisys is leveraging social tools and processes to improve connection and workplace collaboration among its 22,000 employees, drive operational efficiency, streamline innovation processes, and increase marketplace agility. Working with a global virtual team of 30 colleagues, Burke is responsible for transforming how employees connect, share knowledge, and collaborate across the enterprise. Learn how Unisys made social collaboration an intrinsic part of its culture by integrating social collaboration tools into the daily workflow of its employees and how it governs its new social environment; what methods Unisys used to achieve a 91% employee adoption rate of social tools within an 18-month period and what techniques it is using today to shape and sustain desired employee behaviors; why Unisys has positioned “Communities” as the hub of its knowledge-sharing environment and the best practices it uses to enable, evolve, and mature communities to deliver maximum value; and what type of metrics Unisys captures to measure the success of its Knowledge & Collaboration Initiative and the value it is delivering to the business.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
A203: Knowledge Creation & Reuse
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Gary Borella, Sr. Manager Intellectual Capital Management, Cisco Services, Cisco Systems

To remain competitive, Cisco Services continues to avidly participate in KM practices to ensure new and refreshed knowledge is available. A strategic approach, KM3, has been put in place to drive knowledge creation and reuse across this organization. It leverages executive sponsorship to hold employees accountable for creating and reusing knowledge, recognizes employees for outstanding knowledge activities through monetary and peer recognition, and shares metrics and reporting through a knowledge dashboard allowing executives, managers and employees to track their contribution and reuse activities. The overall results from the program have been very impressive, with more than 50,000 knowledge contributions and 21,000 hours of productivity saved in FY’12. Learn from their experience and take home tips and techniques for increasing overall knowledge creation and reuse success rates.

A204: Integrating KM Practices: Case Studies
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Craig Malloy, Founder and CEO, Bloomfire
Diane Berry, Managing Principal, OutsideView Market Strategy
Mike Vertal, President & CEO, Rivet Logic

Malloy talks about surfing the knowledge wave as he shares a case study about a surf-inspired fitness company, SURFSET, that is using Bloomfire, a people-driven knowledge base, to provide the latest information, training, and programming to their worldwide network of studio owners, instructors and individuals. Hear how they brought their training course virtual, enabling them to quickly expand and maintain quality control, as well as foster engagement and healthy communication among their community of providers.

Vertal discusses the business benefits that can be gained through building employee communities and shares a case study about an innovative consumer products company that took steps to adopt a Liferay-based social intranet solution in a successful effort to enhance their employee work experience. Hear how this modern intranet has helped bring much-needed features to their employees’ fingertips, resulting in improved knowledge sharing, employee interaction and feedback, and findability of people and information.

Berry explains how companies including Harris Corporation, KeyBank, L’Oreal and Tokyo Electron are radically transforming by leveraging knowledge to become more relevant and responsive to their customers. She explains how search & relevance technology allows these companies to harness information and experts from highly fragmented information sources to inject more relevant knowledge into customer service interactions, personalize online experiences, and radically boost knowledge management initiatives.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Search Showcase
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
A205: Mobile User Experience using BPM
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Craig Bennett, Software Development Manager, Bechtel Corporation
Marti Colwell, VP Marketing, BP Logix

As one of the world’s largest engineering, procurement, and construction companies, Bechtel Corp. operates through five global business units and 140 countries. With a mobile global workforce and concurrent mega-projects, Bechtel’s IT team needed a more user-enabled infrastructure to support the automation, maintenance, and execution of it business processes and workflows. This session covers the use cases and challenges the company faced as it transitioned from an in-house developed form and workflow tool to a full featured commercial business process management tool. It addresses the challenges faced including user awareness, user acceptance, business acceptance, and roll out. Bennett shares both the best and worst practices that were encountered during the transition to a more efficient, effective, and “mobile user-enabled” system. He shares how Bechtel is deploying BPM technology to improve its business processes and knowledge sharing, gaining greater visibility and insight into those business processes and subsequently optimizing them.

Track B - Digital Workspace: Mobile, Social, & Extended
Location: Congressional Hall B, Ballroom Level
Moderator: Martin White, Consultant & Author, UK

Workspaces are definitely different. They are flexible, changeable, and can exist anywhere an internet connection is found. Hear how these spaces are becoming more mobile, social, and extended. Learn about the platforms, processes, and human factors that are making them successful.

B201: Social Enterprises for Knowledge Sharing
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Stan Garfield, Author of six KM books & Founder, SIKM Leaders Community
Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.

Microblogging platforms as knowledge-sharing conduits are having much success in building social organizations. Hear from two practitioners who have participated in large-scale global implementations of Jive and Yammer. They share strategies for getting buy-in and choosing a tool, provide tips and techniques for implementation and adoption, demonstrate the capability, and discuss challenges and learnings from their experiences.

B202: Networked Worlds & Networked Enterprises
12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Lee Rainie, Director, Imagining the Digital Future Center, Elon University former Director, Pew Research Center

Rainie shows how the large, loosely knit social circles of networked individuals expand opportunities for learning, problem solving, decision making, and personal interaction. The new social operating system of “networked individualism” requires us to develop networking skills and strategies, work on maintaining ties, and balance multiple overlapping networks. The “triple revolution” that has brought on this transformation: the rise of social networking, the capacity of the internet to empower individuals, and the always-on connectivity of mobile devices. Drawing on extensive evidence, Rainie examines how the move to networked individualism has driven changes in organizational structure, job performance criteria, and the way people interact in workplaces. He presents a glimpse of the new networked enterprise and way of working.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
B203: Gamification for Compelling Intranets
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Rebecca Rodgers, Principal Consultant Digital Workplace & Community Manager, Step Two

Compelling, creative, addictive, and a key tool in improving employee engagement. This isn’t the way most intranet managers would describe their sites. But that could change. This session looks at how other organizations are using gamification to increase intranet capability. Discover the links between staff engagement and basic principles of reward, recognition, direction, learning, and progression. Get lots of tips and tricks for use in your organization.

B204: Intranet Showcase
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Rebecca Rodgers, Principal Consultant Digital Workplace & Community Manager, Step Two
Benjamin Eye, Manager, Teammate Engagement, People/HR, Virgin America
Ilva Bevacqua, Manager, Regulatory Compliance and Administration, FortisBC

What’s under the hood in the enterprise intranet? This informative session lets you peek behind the firewall of leading-edge intranets from a number of different industries and includes award-winning sites from the 2013 Intranet Innovation Awards. These case studies of successful, active intranets provide ideas and insights to apply in your organization.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Search Showcase
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
B205: Working Virtually
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Martin White, Consultant & Author, UK

Virtual teams are commonplace these days, with one or more members working in a different location, time zone or country. Using his global experience in working with many organizations, White discusses working effectively with audio, web, and video conferencing; how to build, manage, and motivate virtual teams and communities; and how to address issues related to language and cultural differences.

Track C - Innovation
Location: Congressional Hall A, Ballroom Level

Competitive advantage often comes from organizational flexibility and innovation. Gain some practical techniques to help innovation in your organization and hear what other organizations are doing to ignite innovation with social media and communities, and measure it’s value using the balanced scorecard approach.

C201: Innovation Techniques
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Jeffrey Phillips, VP & Lead Consultant, OVO Innovation Co-Author, OutManeuver: OutThink, Don't OutSpend

From brainstorming to other idea-generation tools to tips for changing internal enterprise culture (the biggest barrier to innovation), this session is filled with insights and ideas for ramping up innovation in any organization. Innovation does require determination and commitment, working to discover new needs, and creating change in a safe, comfortable environment. Our innovation expert shares lots of techniques for you to try in your organization.

C202: Igniting Innovation with Community, Social Media & Findability
12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Judith Theodori, Enterprise Content Manager, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
Ashley Conaway, Knowledge Manager, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
Linda Hummel, Chief Knowledge Officer, Fifth Third Bank
Katrina B Pugh, Lecturer & President, Columbia University & AlignConsulting

JHU/APL’s Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Initiative has been integral in moving forward an expanded innovation program. Focused on the goal of increasing innovation through small, funded exploration projects and increased sharing of technical knowledge, the initiative implemented changes to processes, technologies, and culture. The results are a community-driven program to fund project ideas proposed using social media, an enhanced community of practice program, and a program to develop and share videos that share technical knowledge and capabilities. In the second presentation, learn how a findability strategy can be extended to an innovation strategy. Users need to find people, rich content and just-in-time answers. Advancements in technology are helping us to get there, by providing a multitude of ways to access those resources, even serendipitously. Innovation is about bridging the content of findability and serendipity with changes in the markets or competitive environment, activities of the firm, and technology. That bridging is the work of the skilled convener. This session covers key aspects of findability, serendipity and innovation in our ever-changing competitive and collaborative landscape. Grab the strategies and techniques and hear about lessons learned and tips for developing, promoting and supporting an enterprise innovation program in your organization.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
C203: Communities for Innovation
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Jeanne Holm, Senior Technology Advisor to the Mayor, Deputy CIO at City of Los Angeles, Information Technology Agency, City of Los Angeles UCLA, Open Data Collaboratives, International Academy of Astronautics

The U.S. government’s open data site, Data.gov, has blazed a trail for openness, transparency, and innovation. With more than 400,000 datasets from 180 agencies and many U.S. cities and states, the U.S. open data platform provides a wealth of information for citizens, researchers, and entrepreneurs. However, at the heart of Data.gov is a blend of data, information, and KM principles and practices that provides a platform for innovation. The expression of this is the Data.gov communities—17 topical areas focused around national priorities such as energy, health, and education. These communities (including Safety.Data.gov) allow collaboration amongst citizens, developers, analysts, data journalists, government officials, and business owners to get data into the hands of citizens to help them make better informed decisions.

C204: Clever Thinking & Organizational Success
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Jeff Slapper, Vice President, MWH
Richard McDermott, President, McDermott Consulting Henley Business School

This talk describes how MWH, a global leader in wet infrastructure, uses “clever thinking” to distinguish itself with customers and separate itself from competitors in a rapidly changing business environment. It describes how individuals can distinguish themselves through clever thinking, which research on innovation suggests isn’t inherent talent. It can be developed through discipline and practice. Drawing on this research and interviews with managers and technical experts from a variety of fields, this talk describes the mechanisms of individual and organizational clever thinking: increased situational awareness, deeply understanding the science and principles that underlie the diagnosis and decisions, and generating unusual “just right” solutions. Using practical, hands-on examples, speakers share the “thinking tools and techniques” that improve the clever application of knowledge not by setting standards or best practices, but by guiding good thinking.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Search Showcase
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
C205: Balanced Scorecard Approach to Innovation
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
John Gutierrez, Partner, Kalypso

Companies in every industry try to create environments that foster breakthrough new products and services, but few can evaluate the overall effectiveness of their innovation process. Faced with numerous business and operational challenges—from innovation objectives poorly aligned to corporate strategy to disconnected innovation data management—companies are too often making decisions about innovation based on incomplete and disparate information. Companies that focus on “running innovation like a business”— using a balanced scorecard approach—are more likely to drive real, measurable value for their shareholders. Gutierrez outlines the most effective strategies he’s found to institutionalize a more integrated innovation approach, from the front-end of innovation through in-market results.

Program Table of Contents

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