Shaun Hammond

Assistant Deputy Minister, Traffic Safety Division
Alberta Transportation

Shaun Hammond is the Assistant Deputy Minister, Traffic Safety Services Division at Alberta Transportation. The Division is responsible for the implementation of Alberta’s Traffic Safety Plan, leading a coordinated effort of more than 6 government departments with a goal of reducing collisions, injuries, and fatalities on Alberta roads. He is also responsible for the delivery of provincial programs in the areas of vehicle commercial carrier safety, weights and dimension requirements, the safe transport of dangerous goods, and the oversight of provincial rail systems. In addition, he is responsible for all aspects of driver education, licensing and monitoring. Over the past 25 years he has been extensively involved in the development of national strategies for chemical spills response and risk reduction related to dangerous goods transportation. Before joining the Alberta provincial government, Shaun’s previous experience was with major chemical and petrochemical companies, responsible for the design, development and operation of chemical processing and distribution operations in Canada, Great Britain and Africa. Shaun is a member of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators and is the Chair of the Knowledge Management Board Committee. He has a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering.

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