Monday, September 22

Pre-Conference Workshops
W1: Leader's Framework for Decision Making
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company
Mary Boone, President, Boone Associates

This full-day workshop focuses on a new framework, one that helps sort issues into five contexts where patterns emerge from the "unknown unknowns." The authors of a recent Harvard Business Review on this topic, our speakers outline the framework and train delegates to deploy it in a range of areas form determining a knowledge strategy to running a conflict resolution workshop.  The framework has been acknowledged as one of the first practical ways to apply complexity theory (the science of uncertainty) to strategy and decision making.  Gain insights, tips and well as proven techniques from our popular experts.

W2: Enterprise Search Technology Intensive
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Theresa Regli, Director, Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK

This intensive half-day workshop focuses on the nuts and bolts of how search technology works. After an overview of enterprise search fundamentals, it looks at the enterprise search marketplace and takes a nonbiased look at the current enterprise search solutions available. Looking at strengths and weaknesses, it explores how to tackle specific scenarios, which tools to use, and provides an overview of who's offering the most cutting-edge features such as social search and collaboration. Finally,it looks at the new administrative interfaces of several search solutions, exploring search management, analytics, and tuning.

W3: Building an Enterprise of the Future
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation

Markets are changing; old business models no longer work. Organizations that want to succeed in the global knowledge economy must transform into an enterprise of the future. In this workshop, you will develop a plan for transformation that will measurably increase the rate at which your organization learns and innovates.  It will be aimed at achieving the following objectives: 1) maintaining strategic alignment up, down, and across the entire enterprise; 2) systematically capturing, sharing, and applying your institutional knowledge; 3) creating value, on a sustained basis, by building a "safe proving ground" environment for fast learning and innovation. You will benefit from the results of more than 20 years of university-level research and field work. Particular emphasis is placed on innovation and execution, which are often the most difficult to implement. Best of all, you will be able to measure your organizationís current "clockspeed," and watch the acceleration happen, as you become more competitive in a complex, fast-changing world.

W4: Developing a Multichannel Content Management Strategy
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Ann Rockley, President, The Rockley Group, Inc.

Organizations are turning to structured content and content component management to reach out to more customers, faster, and with reduced costs. In this multichannel world, customers want to be able to surf the web, get content on their cell phones and PDAs and, yes, even traditional print. And while email is often suspect, it is effective for distribution of content to well-managed lists. Traditionally,
marketing content has been handcrafted for each channel, but today's campaigns require faster turnaround, lower cost, and guaranteed consistent message, no matter what the touchpoint. Organizations need the ability to craft a core message and rapidly disperse it through multiple channels, testing and measuring responses at every stage. Marketing communicators want clean, simple content interfaces and understandable methods for identifying reuse and previewing content. Simplicity is key to success. This workshop provides the methodologies and best practices for design of modular content types, design of content components that allows for both consistency of

structure and delivery while still allowing for flexibility and creativity where appropriate, content design for multichannel delivery, developing a realistic content reuse strategy, and the technological requirements to support multichannel marketing. This methodology focuses on the creation of XML-ready models and illustrates with real examples.

W5: Strategies for Innovative Intranets
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
James Robertson, Founder, Step Two Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work

While the concept of the intranet as an "internal website" has done much to improve the quality and status of these sites, it has now stuck intranet teams in perpetual "maintenance mode."  This metaphor also struggles to provide a vision of how to move intranets forward. To be effective, intranets need to innovate, to find new ways of meeting organizational needs. They must also become a valuable business tool that delivers tangible and visible benefits for the organization as a whole.  This workshop provides practical approaches for managing and growing intranets.   Central to this is the new "6x2 methodology," which offers a rigorous framework for intranet planning. This unique approach focuses on carefully scoping the next six months of work, to ensure that what is planned is not just achievable, but is also worth doing. Examples. including the winning entries of the global Intranet Innovation Awards, will show many different ways of tackling what intranets can become.

W6: Information Architecture 3.0
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Peter Morville, President, Semantic Studios

As we venture beyond Web 2.0 and the undisciplined, unbalanced quest for sexy Ajaxian interaction at the expense of usability, findability, and accessibility, how do we reconcile the timeless principles of design and organization with new transmedia models of interaction, co-creation, tagging, user participation, and social experience? In this advanced workshop, Morville draws upon stories, examples, patterns, case studies, and discussions to explore the future of information architecture and uses best-in-class examples drawn from corporate, ecommerce, startup, education, and government websites; search interfaces; and interactive applications. He explores the concepts, methods, patterns, and tools needed to practice modern information architecture successfully and helps you to learn how to make your website, intranet, or software application more useful, usable, accessible, desirable, credible, and findable.

Topics include:

  • Integrating product development, information architecture, and interaction design to create great experiences and sustainable value (real Web 2.0 case studies that take the discussion beyond and Flickr platitudes).
  • Extending our understanding of structural design beyond its semantic foundations to incorporate social elements such as identity, reputation, presence, groups, sharing, conversations, and relationships.
  • Designing next-generation search interfaces and applications that combine best practices in tagging and taxonomies with search analytics, guided navigation, thesauri, clustering algorithms, linguistic toolsets, and rich result interfaces.
  • Evaluating the multichannel challenges and real-world opportunities presented by ambient findability and the emerging internet of objects.
W7: Auto-Categorization
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jim Wessely, President, Advanced Document Sciences
Wendi Pohs, Chief Technology Officer, InfoClear Consulting

The ability to automatically categorize textual content is very powerful and highly scalable. But auto-categorization is not well understood and needs to be done right if it is to work well. This workshop helps you determine if auto-categorization is right for your application needs and how to select the correct type of auto-categorizer.  It discusses how to automatically organize content into a taxonomy, and what tools and methods you need to work with for different auto-categorizers and application areas. This interactive workshop features breakout sessions to help you develop an auto-categorization strategy for your specific application needs.  Attendees will gain an understanding of how auto-categorization works, application areas in which auto-categorization works (or doesn't), which auto-categorization technology to use for your application, what can be automated and what must be done by humans, what you can and cannot do with metadata, how to identify the resources that will help your auto-categorization project, how to use lexicons and vocabularies, how to use both top-down and bottom-up approaches for optimal results, different tools and methods for auto-categorization, using auto-categorization with your taxonomy, testing and validating your taxonomy and auto-categorization results, and implementation challenges and solutions. If your organization has mountains of unstructured data that need to be organized effectively this is the workshop for you.

W8: Building a Taxonomy From the Ground Up
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Alice Redmond-Neal, Chief Taxonomist, Access Innovations, Inc.

The foundation of successful information architecture is a well-built taxonomy.  This half-day workshop addresses the basics: identifying concepts and collecting and organizing terms to describe your domain. It reviews the differences between taxonomies, thesauri, and other knowledge organization systems and proceeds through the steps for constructing a taxonomy or full thesaurus to suit your organizational needs, starting with domain analysis, sources for terminology, and organizational strategies. A major focus looks at the relationships between terms, the logic of inheritance and more, with attention to established taxonomy construction standards. Several practical exercises reinforce the concepts presented and provide a solid introduction or skills refresher for other sessions.

W9: Integrating Taxonomy Development Into an Enterprise Context
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text

An enterprise taxonomy is part of a platform that supports a wide variety of enterprise semantic projects. To develop a truly useful taxonomy requires that the taxonomy is integrated with other platform components such as enterprise content management and search, and is integrated with other semantic structures such as faceted metadata and ontologies. A taxonomy development project needs to deeply understand how users think, all the different ways they access information, and what kinds of business activities a taxonomy needs to support. This workshop looks at how to develop a taxonomy within that broad enterprise context.  Attendees study how to create the right enterprise taxonomy with the right blend of formal taxonomy structure, multiple browsing taxonomy structures, and faceted taxonomies. The agenda covers how to research the organizationís content, user communities and their information behaviors, and business process to expand the taxonomy model into a full platform to support multiple applications and looks at developmental issues that arise when attempting an enterprisewide taxonomy, including maintenance and governance. The workshop includes a series of hands on examples exploring how to use vocabulary sources, simple taxonomy construction questions, and how to uncover basic level categories.

W10: Virtual World Safari: Showcasing Practical Solutions
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO, Helix Commerce
Kathryn Haynes, Project Manager, 2beVirtual Project (Torikate Beck in SL)

This workshop discusses how virtual worlds can be practically used to interact with customers, employees, suppliers, and more. It provides a guided tour of Second Life (SL), and other virtual world centers so attendees can become more familiar with how these solutions can enable new collaboration and communication possibilities for their organization.  Best practices of leading organizations are shared, and a helpful training guide on tips and techniques for using SL is also included.

W11: Enterprise Search 101
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Avi Rappoport, Senior Search Consultant, Search Tools Consulting

Search engines, big and small, have certain standard elements and processes:  The more you understand them, the easier to tune them to solve real information needs. This practical overview provides a big-picture view of how search fits within enterprise and websites and a focused introduction to search technology and user experience. Elements of search covered include robot spiders and other indexers, index contents, query parsing, retrieval, relevance ranking, and designing usable search interfaces. Descriptions of common problems and solutions, security issues, languages, new interface elements, important (and unimportant) features, and processes for choosing a search engine or evaluating an existing one make this a good introductory workshop for anyone responsible for enterprise search.

W12: Open Networks for Co-Generating Knowledge
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Victoria G. Axelrod, Principal, Axelrod Becker Consulting
Jenny Ambrozek, SageNet, LLC

The real potential power of emerging technologies is to connect intelligences in, across, and beyond the organization to inform the business strategy. Innovative initiatives are realized at the grassroots and edge of networks and succeed when supported by the organization. Co-created strategy is the most powerful. This workshop explores how organizations must adapt to not just take advantage of Enterprise 2.0 but on an ongoing basis as new technologies emerge. It starts with understanding how value is created in organizations through interactions in open networks of relationships, which produce social capital and “network capital value.” Innovative organizations large and small are manifesting a variety of new organizational designs for co-generating knowledge in open networks. Discussions include seven steps to map a network, nine steps for creating value through open networks, new organizational models supported by tools to promote knowledge-sharing and innovation, and real-world examples of positive value creation (e.g., IBM, Qualcomm and Bordeaux Colloquim). Organizational design (open networks) in concert with collaborative technology has the potential to “mobilize minds.” Attend this workshop for tools and strategies to build an organization based on fluid knowledge-sharing. 

W13: Increased Innovation Flows Through Collaborative Innovation Architecture
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Richard Marrs, Managing Director, The Warren Company

Facilitating the creation and flow of present and future knowledge in support of innovation is key for most organizations. KM managers and practitioners are in unique positions to facilitate this knowledge creation and flow—when they have the right perspective, tools and techniques. Using collaborative innovation architecture, this workshop explores the innovation process; maps tools and techniques between innovation and KM; and creates templates, checklists, and models. Using real-world examples and those from the participants, the workshop group works through selected critical components of the architecture, providing real and immediate applications for their organizations. 

W14: Improving the Design of Search
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
James Robertson, Founder, Step Two Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work

Poor search is one of the greatest sources of user frustration with websites and intranets. Worse yet, the inadequacies of search may be consigning these sites as a whole to failure. If users can’t find information when they need it, will they even come to the site? Organizations are now recognizing that search is a critical business tool on their intranet as well as on their websites. More than just a way to find documents or pages, search can directly support users completing their common tasks. Fundamentally, however, this is not a technology problem. Modern search engines have more than enough functionality to deliver a workable search solution. The current issues with search, however, stem from simply using the out-of-the-box installation. In practice, there is a key piece of design that must be done to create effective user interfaces, as well as to tune the search engine behind the scenes. At the most basic level, this may only involve 2–3 days of work, although beyond that there are many more advanced approaches that can be considered. This workshop explores in-depth how to improve the design and effectiveness of search, providing best (and worst) practice examples throughout. Key information architecture principles are explored, including how “information scent” can be used to guide the design of search results pages. 

W15: Enterprise Social Software Tools
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
W. Mike Reid, Founder, Managing Partner, TeamReid GP Consulting
Dr William S. Hayes, Director of Library & Literature Informatics, Biogen Idec
Craig A. Honick, President & Managing Associate, Sector Intelligence Corporation

This workshop focuses on three areas supporting the business-based approach to deploying enterprise social software (ESS). The workshop is designed for folks who are familiar with ESS (wikis, blogs, RSS, social networks, etc) and are looking to start their first trial or pilot program. It reviews the software vendors, licensing models, business applications, and making the business case and then discusses deployment and marketing of your ESS project. Using concrete examples and case studies, it illustrates the use and adoption of ESS tools. 

W16: Measuring Taxonomy Success
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Carol Hert, Senior Consultant, Factor
Wendi Pohs, Chief Technology Officer, InfoClear Consulting

Now you’ve got your taxonomies up and running, how can their success be measured? Given the cost of developing and implementing taxonomies, it is critical that a taxonomy manager be prepared to demonstrate goals are being met and value is being added to processes. If not, managers need to have a starting point for understanding modifications that might be made to improve performance. Assessment metrics are key to this process. This workshop provides a general framework for the development of metrics and discusses several case studies and useful metrics. Discussion includes: the business case for taxonomy success metrics, ROI perspectives on taxonomic success, impacts of poor taxonomy such as poor customer experience, resources spent tagging items when tags aren’t useful, evaluation processes, taxonomies in the context of the systems and tools they support, e.g., auto-categorization, content management, search and evaluation. The workshop focuses on building metrics to address evaluative strategies and generating metrics using case studies to illustrate how to do this. 

W17: Personal Knowledge Management & Productivity
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Paul Heisig, The Walt Disney Company
Eric Mack, Founder & President, ICA

This workshop illustrates how personal knowledge management (PKM) can make a lasting impact on the enterprise. Workshop leaders take a look at how productive knowledge work evolves from individuals, teams, and organic communities to ultimately impact the entire organization. It offers an overview of potential entry points for the individual knowledge worker and explores the top challenges that companies and those individual employees face, including the variety of collaboration vehicles offered in the marketplace. Discussion and categorization of the emerging collaboration technologies includes how to apply them to the individual user to fit into the larger enterprise road map. The workshop discusses key success factors and lessons learned; insights from past industry project implementations; and takes a fresh look at the successful habits, tools, methodologies, strategies, and techniques of knowledge work in a Web and Enterprise 2.0 world.

W18: Taxonomy and Metadata Standards Governance
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise
Elizabeth Ricciardelli, Director of Projects & Programs, Earley Information Science

How do you manage taxonomy and metadata implementation across 20-plus business units, five geographies, and 20 projects? What are the factors that need to be considered when deploying standards that affect taxonomy application and operationalization? Learn how these and other challenges were addressed in a global governance deployment for a large, diverse publishing organization. Topics include developing a governance framework, governance dimensions and factors, roles and responsibilities, specific charters and templates, and developing an action plan with accountabilities. This is a detailed session covering both strategy and tactical deployment issues. 

W19: Best Practices in Intranet Management
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Martin White, Consultant & Author, UK
R Howard McQueen, Founder & Senior Consultant,, McQueen Consulting

This highly interactive facilitated workshop brings together the experience of both the presenter and attendees in the development of best practice in intranet management, including business case development, supporting content contributors, managing the evolution of intranet features, conducting user surveys, and implementing Enterprise 2.0 applications.

W20: SharePoint & KM
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jose Claudio Terra, CEO, TerraForum
Carlos Franco, CEO North America, TerraForum
Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO, Helix Commerce

SharePoint is being adopted everywhere as a key enabler of KM and collaboration solutions. This workshop shares tested lessons on how to introduce SharePoint as a tool for extended project teams, communities of practice, content management, ecommerce, external sites, intranets, and Web 2.0 applications (blogs, wikis, etc). A number of global cases are presented with emphasis on governance, policies and rules, taxonomy, information architecture, and change management issues. Interactive discussions and knowledge-sharing among the participants make up a core part of the workshop. 

Monday Evening Session
7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Ballroom A
WELCOME & EVENING EVENT: Learning from Mistakes!
7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

Hosted by Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd  Join our networking event and learn from each other about KM initiatives that have failed and what we can learn from those failures.  KM guru and popular KMWorld speaker, Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd, leads this "worst practice session" and helps us learn how to achieve positive results in organizational knowledge sharing.

Program Table of Contents

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