Monday, November 15, 2010

Pre-Conference Workshops
W1: Decision Making: Social Techniques & Practices
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

Social computing in many ways is the technology that knowledge management has always needed. Its fragmented, networked connectivity matches the evolution of human decision-making. Along with promise, however, comes potential misuse. Crowds are rarely wise, despite the sound bite! Crowd sourcing used properly does not just mean any old collective process. This workshop examines some of the basic principles that underpin successful use of technology to augment, but not replace human decision-making. It looks at the differences between short- and long-term use of participatory techniques, the question of who should be involved and when in what combinations. It introduces basic ideas of governance in distributed environments and also associated issues of ethics and responsibility. Our experienced KM practitioner and consultant shares tips, some case studies and lessons learned, and suggests some good practices for engaging large groups. Delegates will leave with an understanding of the principles of distributed decision-making and a set of pragmatic open source methods to assist in their implementation.

W2: Evaluating SharePoint for the Enterprise
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group

This intensive and interactive workshop led by SharePoint Watch analyst Tony Byrne begins with a critical evaluation detailing SharePoint's strengths and weaknesses culled from customer experiences and hands-on testing. Through presentations and discussion, the workshop helps you figure out how, where, when, and why to use SharePoint and reviews how well SharePoint "fits" into different types and sizes of enterprises with different business objectives. The workshop offers candid, independent advice for both business and technology leaders. You can get SharePoint "training" nearly anywhere; join us for some real education to help you make strategic decisions about the platform. 

W3: Search Performance, Benchmarking, & Investment
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Martin White, Consultant & Author, UK

During the last few years, White has been developing a Search Performance Benchmark (SPB) that enables organizations to judge the extent to which they are getting the best from their search application and where to prioritize future investment. The benchmark covers areas such as user requirements assessment, implementation of secure search, search log analysis, and the skills of the search support team. White presents a beta version of the benchmark at this workshop. Here's your chance to be the first to evaluate the SPB, use it to assess your own organization, and contribute to the final version. In addition, learn from the frank discussions about search investment and priorities for the future, information security for secure search, implementation of social search, performance of people search, result presentation, search log analysis, and search team skills.

W4: Experience Maps: KM & Visual Thinking
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Peter Morville, President, Semantic Studios

While the world waits for Web 3.0 and The Singularity, the real action has already begun. It's called the "intertwingularity." It's an era at the crossroads of ubiquitous computing and the internet in which information blurs the boundaries between products and services, enabling multichannel, cross-platform, transmedia, physico-digital user experiences. It's also an unprecedented opportunity to reimagine knowledge management. Never before have we been able to employ such a powerful combination of networks, devices, and sensors to create and share knowledge within and without the enterprise. This is the complex reality that today's executives and entrepreneurs must navigate. And while the archetypal ecologies of iTunes and Nike+ offer some insight, we're mostly exploring uncharted waters. That's why we need to draw maps. A map is a powerful tool for navigating and understanding physical, digital, intellectual, and social space. In this workshop, we'll explore how experience maps and visual thinking can improve the process and product of information architecture, knowledge management and user experience design. So bring your imagination and a pencil, because we're going to be sketching the future.

W5: Managing the Networked Workforce
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Euan Semple, Director, Conference Chair, & Author, Euan Semple Ltd

The internet generation is already entering the workforce, but the old ways of managing are not working. How do you manage staff that assume an ability to connect with their peers and support networks 24/7? How do you adapt to not only cope with the changes in expectations but actually see them as opportunities to do more for less and possibly have fun doing so? With the connectivity afforded by the web, staff are able to connect with each other horizontally, finding out information and sharing knowledge faster than official systems can keep up, and increasingly expect to not only work in loose distributed teams but also to able to maintain connections with others outside the organization. Semple provides the context and strategies to make better judgments about managing the networked workforce to enhance knowledge sharing, looks at how online tools affect the way knowledge and information flows around the enterprise, shares practical steps to improve productivity and communication, helps you recognize opportunities to reinvent the role of middle management, and imparts his experience to assist you to make a compelling argument for bringing about positive changes in your organization with an effective ecology of tools. He facilitates interactive discussions about work and nonwork, engaging in online conversations, how to help your staff understand what their responsibilities are online, when they represent the company and when not, how to enlist their support as advocates for your work, and writing workable policies.

W6: Learning From Failure, It’s Possible!
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr Nancy Dixon, Principal & Founder, Common Knowledge Associates

This interactive workshop address one of the most difficult knowledge management issues: how an organization can learn from failure. It takes a great deal more than building a lessons learned database, but learning from failure is possible, as a number of industries, including healthcare-patient safety, airline, and the nuclear industry, have illustrated. Drawing on the lessons learned from these industries and a growing body of research data, Dixon shares a framework that identifies three elements organizations must put into place in order to identify and analyze failures. Participants work through a case study that illustrates these elements. Join this interactive workshop and take home real-world strategies for improving performance within your organization.

W7: Building an Intranet Governance Strategy
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies
Zach Wahl, CEO, Enterprise Knowledge

An effective intranet is a centralized information resource that is an up-to-date and trusted source of company information available and relevant to all parts of the business. Creating and maintaining a successful intranet requires negotiating and implementing a set of policies and procedures. Intranet governance is the set of roles, responsibilities and processes that needs to be put in place to guide the development and use of an intranet so that it remains consistent and cohesive as it evolves over time. This workshop provides an introduction to intranet governance requirements, benefits, and implementation strategies. It includes real-world examples from public sector and commercial organizations including the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Dominion Resources, Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, Halliburton, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, NASA, Occidental Petroleum, Scottish Qualifications Authority, and SNC-Lavalin. Workshop leaders provide a practical methodology that allows you to begin managing the intranet in your own organization. Topics covered will include documenting intranet objectives, validating alignment with overall organizational goals, establishing and monitoring intranet content standards and good practices, creating rewards and penalties for nonconformance, establishing performance standards and intranet infrastructure, monitoring and improving intranet use and usability, defining job descriptions for intranet-related tasks, marketing the intranet, and more.

W8: Social Media Inside the Enterprise: Blogs, Wikis, Video, & Microblogging
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Connie Crosby, Principal, Crosby Group Consulting

Twitter has taken off in the public eye, and its equivalents for inside the organization are just starting to take a foothold. Learn about collaboration, knowledge sharing, and communication uses for blogs, wikis, video, and the Twitter-like microblogging tools for inside the enterprise. In this fast-paced introductory overview, see examples of technology-related training videos or screencasts, and discuss corporate culture and the need to tie changes back to the corporate strategy. Filled with real-world examples, you will come away with insights and ideas for social media opportunities within your organization.

W9: Intranet Design + Redesign
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
James Robertson, Founder, Step Two Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work

Almost every organization has an intranet, but many suffer from a litany of complaints from staff that they can't find what they need. To be valuable, intranets must have effective navigation and design that support common staff tasks. To achieve this, teams should take a "user-centered" approach to intranet design and redesign projects. Robertson, a global intranet expert and author of an upcoming book on intranet design, provides a practical toolkit of techniques and approaches. Via pragmatic discussions, hands-on activities, and plenty of intranet screenshots, this workshop equips you to deliver an intranet that really works for staff.

W10: Design for Learning
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Daniel W. Rasmus, Founder & Principal Analyst, Serious Insights Author

This workshop, led by the former director of business insights for Microsoft, focuses on the methodology for designing a positive learning environment for any organization. It explores the design elements, provides a methodology, and guides participates to create a preliminary design for their organization.

W11: Content Technologies: A Look at the Landscape
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jarrod Gingras, Managing Director & Analyst, Real Story Group

Content technologies can be complicated and confusing. A Real Story Group analyst explains, without techno-speak, the essentials for business and project leaders. Join us for an interactive tour of search, web content management, ECM, document management, records management, DAM, and collaboration technologies. When and why would you need them? What makes them different? How does SharePoint fit in? How have experiences differed in the public and private sectors? Does open source matter? In addition to the basics, you will receive an unbiased overview of the vendor landscapes as they stand in 2010.

W12: Developing a KM Strategy & Implementation Plan
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dr. Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation

This practical workshop illuminates the steps necessary to create and sell a KM strategy. It includes the building blocks-information audit and knowledge mapping, discusses communities of practice programs for retiring experts, digital video capture of tacit knowledge, knowledge fairs, after action reviews, and more. It explores KM roles and skills. Participants receive a copy of The Art of Managing Knowledge-A Practitioner's Guide book and DVD set.

W13: Organizational Network Analysis & Tools
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Patti Anklam, Principal Consultant Net Work & Author, NetWork, Net Work

Gartner has predicted that by 2015, 25% of organizations will "routinely utilize social network analysis to improve performance and productivity." Knowledge flows along established paths in organizations. To change or improve knowledge flow, it's important to understand those current paths, which are often outside the formal organization structure. Social network analysis (SNA), along with its organizational counterpart organizational network analysis (ONA), provides a methodology to map these pathways to gain insights into how the organization really works. The methodology includes sensitivity to collecting data about people using different means, including surveys, using software to manage and analyze the data to create visual maps and detailed metrics. Metrics can provide information about the overall cohesiveness of the network as well as metrics about the roles that individuals play in the network, highlighting those who are in the best position to move around knowledge and ideas. The workshop covers the basic steps and tools used in the methodology with a hands-on case study. Attendees should bring their laptops and are provided with information on how to download (free) tools prior to the event. If your organization is not already using network analysis, or if you would like to understand more about this tool that has been helping knowledge managers for almost 10 years, then you will be interested in attending this highly interactive workshop.

W14: Best Practices for Intranet Killer Apps
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Janus Boye, Founder & Managing Director, J. Boye

While some killer intranet applications are not directly business-focused, they can play a vital role in promoting the intranet to staff and stakeholders. This workshop demonstrates best practices for using intranet killer apps and highlights pitfalls to avoid when developing and implementing features that should ideally help to drive the intranet forward. Boye untangles intranet kills apps, focusing on some of the most popular: "who's who"; collaboration; "buy and sell notice boards"; "company discounts"; and social networking tools such as blogs and wikis. He looks at common issues when working with these apps and shares lesser-known killer apps such as photo-sharing, room locator, and employee introduction workflows, from across industries and sectors. Whether you are working on your first killer app or already have several on your intranet, come and learn from the different approaches, compare your own killer apps, and take away tangible recommendations. This workshop draws on real-life examples, including screen shots from members of the J. Boye community of practice, combined with years of research on intranets and portals. Whether you are attempting to launch your first killer app or already have several running on your intranet, there should be plenty to learn from these different approaches, and you will leave with a number of proven and tangible recommendations.

W15: Designing Social Search in the Enterprise
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thomas Vander Wal, Sr. Consultant

One of the biggest problem on today's websites and intranets is findability. Even as large companies have scaled up their investment in search and intranet development, one key ingredient is missing: the people. People are social, and people leverage social strategies to find information all the time-at work, with colleagues-to solve real problems. How do we add this social element into enterprise search systems? How do we know what to look for in search tools, services to add into the mix, and or design elements that will make an impact? Our experienced designer frame these relevant models of social search and walk though how to think through the problems to get to a more optimal solution. This will also include the potential benefits as well as the pitfalls that come along with some popular solutions (as well as how to counteract those pitfalls). You will learn to think and design through the considerations to augment findability with social search within the enterprise. He will discuss the tools necessary to understand search design, the benefits of social search, and how to work though real world problem sets interactively in the session, so those in the session will come away with the ability to apply what is learned to their work environment.

W16: KM Platform & Programs in International NGOs
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Steve Barth, Assistant Professor/Chair, Business & Entrepreneurship, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Engineering and the Business of Innovation, University of Southern California Reflected Knowledge Consulting
Tom Moroz, Director, Special Projects, Open Society Institute
Jo Lyon, Knowledge Management Lead, Oxfam GB

Large international NGOs face extra challenges in knowledge sharing and organizational learning. They pursue important, urgent, but elusive, goals such as maintaining peace and security in conflict zones; alleviating poverty, hunger, and disease; or building sustainable economic and political structures in transitional or post-conflict societies. NGOs often operate in harsh or hostile environments and with constrained resources, ad-hoc multicultural teams, and complex interdependencies between actors and agencies. The largest of these achieve economies of scale by operating globally in diverse locations. NGOs typically enjoy exceptionally committed employees, leading to strong informal networks, but internal and external dynamics can create highly bureaucratic organizational structures that discourage use of formal knowledge-sharing systems. Above all, NGOs need to demonstrate results based on intangible outcomes. This workshop presents lessons learned from three prominent organizations-the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Open Society Institute, and Oxfam Great Britain. Other nongovernmental organizations are invited to bring their experiences to share in this interactive facilitated session and collaborate on shared sense-making and knowledge creation about effective knowledge and learning strategies optimized for their activities. Topics covered will include issues specific to large international NGOs; effective KM platforms for dispersed offices in developing countries; leveraging informal networks within and beyond boundaries; and evolving from platforms to programs.

W17: Change Management for Knowledge Managers
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.

Have any of these held your organization back? Employee or middle-management resistance. Poor executive sponsorship. Corporate inertia and politics. These are the biggest obstacles to successful change in any organization. And KM is all about change. This highly interactive workshop is aimed at people just about to start leading or working on a KM project and who want to ensure the success of their project by overcoming these change killers. An award-winning KM practitioner with more than 10 years' experience in making change happen, Vala-Webb provides tools and templates and shares his strategies and techniques. Participants will leave the workshop with a much clearer understanding of how to communicate their project, a map of their own key stakeholders, a set of specific next steps to take, and usable tips/hints.

W18: Developing & Evaluating Intranet User Requirements
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Martin White, Consultant & Author, UK

This workshop looks at a dozen different ways in which user requirements can be monitored. It focuses on how intranet managers can track changes in user requirements, and then prioritize their implementation. Based on a decade of intranet consulting projects, Martin shares his experience with real-world applications, tips for keeping on top of changing user requirements, and decision criteria for prioritizing multiple requirements.

W19: Building a Strategic and Relevant Semantic Platform for the Enterprise
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Lynda Moulton, Principal, LWM Technology Services

This workshop presents a strategy for applying semantic technology solutions across the enterprise. Highlighting semantic tools that are in use today, the workshop illustrates how typical content and search challenges are being met by enterprises in a number of vertical industries. In professional service and law firms, biotech and pharmaceutical, energy, and publishing focused enterprises, scores of companies are finding that excellent search depends on careful integration of content management, text mining and analytics tools.  Moulton defines, categorizes and examines real cases of implementation in which semantic tools contribute business and content retrieval benefits. Anecdotes are shared that underscore best practices, implementation and roll-out scenarios that work (or don't), showing how organizations get the most value out of technologies they have selected.  Filled with lots of practical tips and ideas.

Welcome Reception
Welcome Reception
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Join us for drinks and hors d'oeuvres in a relaxed atmosphere as we kick off the start of this year's event. Open to all KMWorld, Enterprise Search Summit Fall, SharePoint Symposium, and Taxonomy Boot Camp conference attendees, speakers, and exhibitors.

Monday Evening Session
7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
KMWorld 2010 Community Networking Event
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Have some fun and meet lots of your colleagues in the KMWorld community. Using tools from knowledge management, taxonomy, and search to facilitate community building at KMWorld, you will enjoy learning some new techniques. Open to all KMWorld, Enterprise Search Summit Fall, SharePoint Symposium, and Taxonomy Boot Camp conference attendees, speakers, and exhibitors.

Program Table of Contents

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