Thursday, November 18, 2010

Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
KEYNOTE: The Resilient Organization
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

In trying to create robust and successful enterprises, organizations have traditionally attempted to eliminate uncertainty through techniques such as scenario planning, risk assessment, process control, and using such programs as Six Sigma. However, the level of uncertainty and the consequences of failure have continued to create major problems for governments and industry alike. This presentation takes a radical new approach to uncertainty and supplies strategies to absorb uncertainty rather than eliminate it, thus creating a resilient organization. Resilience involves the recognition that failure of some type is inevitable and that what matters is early detection of failure and rapid recovery. Such approaches involve using modern technology to augment human sensor networks and distributed cognition (commonly but mistakenly referenced as crowd sourcing, or wisdom of crowds). Snowden looks at the basic principles and drivers of the shift from robustness to resilience and outlines new methods and tools to move strategy from a linear process developed and implemented over months to dynamic real type approaches with rapid adjustment of objectives, funding, and resources. He examines the way in which modern organizations are focusing on effectiveness, rather than efficiency, creating flexibility in organizational structures, and installing information systems that can support dynamic interaction. Using real-world examples and providing practical tips, Snowden emphasizes an ecological approach to creating resilient 21st-century enterprises.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Track A - Content Management
Moderator: Hannah Gladfelter Rubin, Congressional Research Service

In addition to people, content is probably the largest commodity within our organizations today. How do we manage that content to streamline our work processes and achieve the enterprise results we want? Hear from experts in the field, as well as practitioners, and gain some useful strategies for taming the content in your organization.

A301: Making Knowledge Mobile
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Markus Franz, Director, Sucomo Limited

As more people are using smartphones and mobile devices with multimedia capabilities, enterprise content, and knowledge assets have to be available on these devices in useable formats. This session lays out the requirements for connecting your intranet to mobile devices, discusses usability and design practices for enabling intranets and enterprise information on mobile devices, and describes a case study of a large fashion company and its strategy for mobile knowledge access.

A302: Web Content Management (WCM) & Social Computing: Rivals or Partners?
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group

Technologies to manage enterprise web content on the one hand, and web-based interaction and communities on the other hand, have been converging for at least 2 years. For the intranet or web publisher who just wants to create the most value for visitors, neat distinctions are also taking on less meaning. Yet, there are fundamental differences between publishing authoritative enterprise content and supporting social interaction. Where should you draw the line, and what toolsets make sense in combination? Most importantly, how can you make sure you're executing well in both domains? Join our experienced analyst Byrne for a tour of the latest trends and technologies in WCM and social computing.

Attendee Lunch in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
A303: Collaborative Tools to Move From KM to Knowledge Enablement
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Hugo Evans, Chief Information Officer, A.T. Kearney
Helen Clegg, Knowledge Director, Procurement & Analytic Solutions, A.T. Kearney

The use of collaborative software tools, such as Microsoft SharePoint, has turned KM on its head; it is quickly being eclipsed by knowledge enablement through technology, resulting in new, more strategic roles for knowledge managers. Speakers share how they capitalized on the SharePoint collaboration tool to transform the way that knowledge is shared-from static documents in a central document repository to a more spontaneous and user-driven knowledge ecosystem, comprising a unit wiki, SharePoint communities of interest, and "Wave of the Future" podcasts. They discuss roles, best practices that are demonstrating strategic value, lessons learned, and more.

A304: Open Source Content Management
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Shaun Walker, Co-Founder & CTO, DotNetNuke Corporation

Many corporate intranets suffer from clunky interfaces and functionality limitations that discourage employees from taking maximum advantage of their knowledge capital. Recently, reliable and robust open source content management platform alternatives have become available and are amping up corporate intranets serving 8 to 80,000 employees. Walker, co-founder of the largest and most successful open source community on the Microsoft .NET platform, shares a checklist for determining if an open source platform is right for your intranet, top 5 resources for finding and incorporating best-of-breed open source software add-ons to extend your intranet's capabilities and design, ways to reduce intranet cost and complexity while demonstrating ROI to management, and real-world examples of organizations successfully applying these strategies to manage their content.

Track B - Net Work
Moderator: Larry Chait, Managing Director, Chait and Associates, Inc

Much of the knowledge worker's time is spent on the net working alone or in teams that can be located anywhere in the world. How can we make that work more productive and the knowledge flows more seamless and effective? Grab some great ideas from our experienced speakers and learn from their organizations and examples.

B301: Thinking Allowed
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Euan Semple, Director, Conference Chair, & Author, Euan Semple Ltd

Semple focuses on the personal nature of the challenges of adopting Enterprise 2.0 ways of working. With all the "noise" from the information tsunami around us, it is difficult to focus and accomplish the work we need to do. On the other hand, the tools enable us to do so much more than we could in the past. Semple provides some guidelines for making things happen in your organization with respect to the new way of working.

B302: New Ways of Working
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Sally K Schroeder, Executive Director, Knowledge Management, National Tax Strategic Solutions, Grant Thornton LLP
Tamara Smith, CKO, Grant Thornton LLP
Alexandre Korowajczuk, KM Manager, Petrobras
Marcelo Pereira Melo, KM Coordinator, Petrobras

Hear how public accounting firm Grant Thornton LLP delivers tax client services using a SharePoint-based system that integrates its methodologies with online workflow, policies, tools and best practices; fosters client collaboration; and connects its people with each other and relevant news. Hear how Enterprise 2.0 concepts are shaping new ways of working and reinforcing relationships with Petrobras' stakeholders (suppliers, customers, communities, R&D centers, government authorities, NGOs) in a learning environment.

Attendee Lunch in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
B303: Building KM-Based Virtual Work Environments (VWEs)
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Ronald Simmons, Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO), ATSC, US Army

This session explores how to use KM concepts and principles to build successful, operational virtual work environments within the federal government. The concept originated with the Federal Aviation Administration, was extended to the U.S. Marine Corps to build agile commands, and now is being initiated within the U.S. Army. Simmons covers the "good, bad, and ugly" parts of successful adoption techniques within these agencies while contrasting the similarities and differences within each agency.

B304: Thriving in Hyperlinked & Networked Workspaces
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Jon Husband, Techno-Anthropologist, Wirearchy
Gad Epstein, Global Technology Advisor & KM Lead, Microsoft Corporation

Many organizations are experimenting with how to deal with the convergence of learning, KM, HR, and "getting things done" while trying to keep up with the rapid evolution of information systems capabilities, cloud computing, social networking, demographic challenges, and more. This panel provides key strategies and practices for thriving in our current workspaces.

Track C - Enterprise of the Future
Moderator: Stephen Abram, CEO, Lighthouse Consulting, Inc.

This track of sessions discusses strategies, practices, and ideas for pushing the envelope with respect to adaptive enterprises able to contend with the rapid changes in our social, technological, and economic environments.

C301: Enterprise Innovations for the Future
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO, Helix Commerce
Avi Pollock, Head, Innovation and Strategic Planning, Royal Bank of Canada
Takis Spiropoulos, Head, eTrading, CIBC

Using exciting examples from the financial services industry, this session discusses the increased realities of portal  strategies to connect customers,employees, and supplier in new ways. The banking world can no longer afford to develop only tranactional innovations.  With 2.0, mobile, and integrated client services, customers may feel like a Starbucks experience or a boutique expeirence. Hear from global leaders who are developing and implementing strategies to integrate collaboration and create new ways of working in leading financial service organizations.

C302: Portals: Making Them Productive
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Kelli Carlson-Jagersma, VP, Wholesale Intranet, Wells Fargo & Co.
Darius Miranda, VP, Content Strategy, Wells Fargo & Co.
Beth Perell, Vice President, Communications and Information Management, Goodwill Industries International
Arlene McCrehan, Sr. Director, Online Media, Goodwill Industries International
Jack Wexler, Director, Web-Based Learning, Goodwill Industries International
Lt Col David Sanchez, Deputy Program Manager, USAF Pilot Physician Program, Air Force Medical Service
Richard Iams, Information Architect, The Eliassen Group

This fast-paced, pecha-kucha-style session shares experiences, tools and platforms, learnings from implementations, plans for the future, and tips for others working on their portals. The Wells Fargo team discusses the opportunities and learnings from merging companies and integrating social media, implementing internally through an intranet channel prior to releasing products to clients, and listening to the voices and feedback to create a superior portal. Perell describes virtual meeting tools for an international organization launched from a new open source portal. Sanchez explains how the U.S.AF Human Performance Clearinghouse leveraged its existing IT portfolio and enterprise metadata to create a government-compliant portal. DFAS discusses its portal makeover to improve findability and collaboration, explains the new user interface and navigation, and shares new practices for team collaborative efforts.

Attendee Lunch in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
C303: Knowledge Repositories in Action
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Karen M. Mokate, Chief, Knowledge Management Division, Inter-American Development Bank
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies
Kyle Strand, Lead Knowledge Management Specialist and Head of Library, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

This session looks at the recreation of institutional knowledge with an enterprisewide search engine (Vivisimo's Velocity), a repository platform (D-Space), new governance and processes, and a faceted controlled vocabulary. It shares tips for other organizations looking at improving access to their knowledge assets.

C304: Future Focused Formulas for Enterprise KM Success
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Dr. Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation
Eric Mack, Founder & President, ICA
Karen Appleton, VP Business Development,, Inc.

This panel of experienced KM practitioners shares their secrets for successful enterprises that harness organizational knowledge, streamline knowledge and information flows around the globe, are innovative and profitable, and attract the best and the brightest to populate their organizations. Find out what you should be focusing on in the next few years as you build a high-achieving enterprise KM world.

Closing Keynote
CLOSING KEYNOTE: Knowledge Driven Enterprises of the Future: Analysts' Panel
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group
Lynda Moulton, Principal, LWM Technology Services
Leslie Owens, Senior Analyst, Forrester Research

The last 5 years have seen a fundamental sea change in information technology. The primacy of the end user in every organization has fomented a mini-revolution in information management technology that emphasizes better user experiences and the power of collaborative interaction. What will the next 5 years bring to knowledge and information management technology and practices? How can you prepare your enterprise to take advantage of the new future?

Knowledge Showcase

Join our experienced speakers as they share their knowledge in our new Knowledge  Showcase. Listen and learn at free information sessions available to all Enterprise Solutions Showcase  visitors. Taking place at the KM Corner  in the conference Showcase, these presentations cover a range of topics and subject areas. They are open to all and add value to your visit. Space is limited so it’s first-come, first-served. Join our savvy KM experts for a look at their practices and strategies! There is no need to register; simply pick the information session of interest to you
and arrive at our KMCorner within the Enterprise Solutions Showcase at the appropriate time.

Planting Seeds to Harvest Knowledge
10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Dr. Annie Green, Associate Fellow, Institute of Knowledge and Innovation (IKI), George Washington University

Based on practices that worked and lessons learned from KM initiatives, our  speaker provides tips and techniques for KM strategies that add value to successful  KM initiatives aligned with business operations and performance.

DC’s Records & Info Management Plans
11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Mark Mandell, Office of Public Records

Mandel presents his 5-year strategic plan to modernize the document and records  management processes within the District of Columbia government. The District  has over 60 agencies and 35,000 employees, with unique elements of state, county,  and city organizations mixed together. An aggressive move to electronic records  management and digitization is underway. Mandel shares his experiences, lessons  learned, progress to date, and future plans.

Getting Knowledge Sources & Seekers to Share
11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Dr. Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation

Overcoming barriers to knowledge-sharing is always a challenge. Murray shares concrete strategies and practices for using cultural differences to your advantage. He says, “Even little things can make the biggest difference.” Come and
hear how!

Knowledge Capture & Transfer (KCT)
12:00 p.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Steven Newman, VP Technology Applications, ARES Corporation

A veteran of NASA and the FAA, Newman discusses techniques and technologies  for KCT processes including a storytelling-based knowledge capture approach, best practices, lessons learned, and pitfalls or failure modes. He uses  examples from the Ares I-X Rocket Technology Demonstration Program.

Facilitating Content Discovery Using Chaos Theory
12:30 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Bill Ives, Partner, Merced Group

The presentation provides a practical application of chaos theory for creating  useful content focal points from the chaotic mess of content resources distributed across the web. Several examples will be provided, both from the internet,  where socially generated content is exploding, and from the enterprise, where social tools are contributing to content bloat. The examples illustrate how activity can make information more discoverable and easier to explore through various  visualization techniques.

Best Practices for SharePoint User Adoption
1:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Susan S. Hanley, President, Susan Hanley LLC Intranet Consultant, Microsoft MVP

Have you built your new solution? Are users coming? Our expert consultant shares tips and success stories from organizations that have successfully deployed SharePoint. Learn about creative approaches for awareness, training, communications, and launch.

Knowledge Loss Strategies
1:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Bill Kaplan, Founder, Working Knowledge CSP National Contract Management Association Board of Directors

Retaining and leveraging the critical and relevant knowledge of any workforce is a challenge. Many organizations lack a consistent and disciplined process for capturing and retaining for reuse their workforce’s relevant  information, experience,and insight. This session presents ways to ensure such knowledge is not  only retained, but also passed along to the next generation of professionals. Get some insights and ideas for addressing the risks to performance associated with  this challenge.

Program Table of Contents

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