Preconference Workshops - Monday, October 30th

Morning Workshops
W1: Building the Enterprise of the Future
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation

The speed at which organizations learn and innovate must equal the rate of change in the marketplace. This is the new reality of business survival in a flat world. Companies need a means to rapidly sense, organize, collaborate, produce a result, and move on. They need new organizational structures that support complexity, agility, rapid learning, and personal growth. An entirely new enterprise model is needed. This workshop shows how to realistically assess your organization’s ability to perform in a flat world, and how to begin to make the transition to an agile, global, knowledge-based enterprise. Specifically, you will learn how to determine organizational strengths and weaknesses in responding to rapid changes in the marketplace, develop a prioritized list of key focus areas needed to reach a sustained level of high performance, choose the right strategies for leading the transformation to an “enterprise of the future.” The methodology presented is the result of more than 20 years of university-level research and field work and touches on business intelligence for sense-and-respond organizations; knowledge integration; critical decision processes; attracting, retaining, and growing knowledge workers; high-speed learning and innovation. Managers of organizations looking to hire, retain, and grow a diverse knowledge workforce, while striving to remain competitive in the global market place, will particularly want to attend.

W2: KM 101: Getting the Most from KMWorld
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Cindy Ross Pedersen, Managing Director, Digital, Adeo Communications

What is knowledge management (KM)? What strategies, techniques, and tools will be discussed at the KMWorld conference? Coming to KMWorld for the first time can be overwhelming. Most presenters are talking about the latest advances in an area that they have been working in for years. The field of KM has also been growing exponentially with changes in terminology and advances in techniques and tools. For someone new to this field, this workshop provides the basic understanding of terminology, approaches, and tools to rapidly select which technologies and concepts you need to learn more about. It facilitates a practical, down-to-earth, discussion of the KM techniques and tools. This high-level overview includes lots of working examples and opportunities for interaction. If you’ve been in the field for years, come and add your knowledge to the discussions.

W3: Enterprise Search Engines: Critical Success Factors
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Avi Rappoport, Senior Search Consultant, Search Tools Consulting

Search engines (SEs) may seem like a black box: Queries go in, answers come out. But they’re just software, and the more you know, the more you can tune your search engine to solve your users’ real information needs. This session describes the various aspects of search — index structure, robot spiders and other indexers, query parsing, retrieval, relevance ranking and designing usable search interfaces — describing common problems and best practices. It covers the critical success factors (CSFs) for successful implementations of enterprise SEs and suggestions for choosing a search engine or evaluating an existing one.

W4: Developing an Effective Content Framework
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Ann Rockley, President, The Rockley Group, Inc.

A content framework is the underlying structure for your content that enables you to effectively create, manage, and deliver content. It provides the common structures for content creation that support the customer relationship management life cycle and ensures that content is consistently structured, written, and reused so that content can be automatically reformatted for multichannel delivery. This workshop provides the methodologies and best practices for the following:

  •   Defining of customer relationship management life cycles
  •   Techniques in mapping content types to the lifecycle
  •   Design of modular content types
  •   Design of content components that allow for both consistency of structure and delivery as well as flexibility and creativity where appropriate
  •   Content design for multichannel delivery
  •   Developing a realistic content reuse strategy

This methodology focuses on the creation of XML-ready models and addresses the question of whether to adopt existing industry standards or create custom content models. Participants view real examples of models and work through the development of such a model.

W5: Intranet Strategies & Benchmarking for Practitioners
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jane McConnell, Digital Workplace Strategic Advisor, NetStrategy/JMC

How do you get over the great “intranet divide” and join the class of companies whose intranets are considered essential — the natural way of working — and not simply “useful”? And once you’re there, how do you continue to innovate and improve? This interactive workshop is based on the consolidated results of a 2006 survey of approximately 50 large, complex (often global) organizations from around the world. It looks at the intranet state of the art and identifies what factors differentiate companies where the intranet is considered essential — the way of doing business — and companies where the intranet is just useful. Using survey results, participants will compare their organizations’ strategies to those reported in the survey, exchange views and experiences, and gain insights into handling decision-making, budgeting, measurement and evaluation, governance, language and translation policies, home page strategies, collaboration policies, management and resources, processes and applications in the intranet.

W6: Modeling & Managing Metadata for Greater Productivity
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jean Graef, Founder, The Montague Institute

Metadata is everywhere — in desktop applications, search engines, enterprise applications, and external services. The problem is that it may not be complete, up-to-date, in the right place, or in the right format. These discontinuities are a drain on productivity for enterprises, work groups, and individuals. This workshop provides examples of how metadata can improve productivity in research, publishing, customer service, and market research. It identifies necessary metadata for each application and uses a relational database to enter, organize, and integrate metadata across applications. Filled with tips and strategies, this workshop provides practical ideas that can be immediately implemented within your environment.

W7: Enterprise Portal Software: Architecture, Products, Selection
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Janus Boye, Founder & Managing Director, J. Boye

While it is easy to be amazed by all the features offered by a portal, it can be very hard to make the decision for a specific system and to understand the rapidly changing market. This intensive half-day tutorial, led by the author of CMS Watch’s “Enterprise Portals Report,” provides a step-by-step review and roadmap for product selection. It covers:

  • the current marketplace
  •   different categories, architectures, features, and price ranges
  •   important vendor intangibles
  •   best practices in selecting a portal
  •   why portal projects fail and how to avoid it from the onset

With this vendor-neutral tutorial, Boye provides a balanced view, enabling you and your team to make a better and more informed technology decision.

W8: Wikis & Blogs: New KM Tools
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Bill Ives, Partner, Merced Group
Martin Cleaver, Senior Manager, Helix Commerce

This workshop provides an introduction to blogs and wikis, looks at their differences, and illustrates with examples how these solutions can be used to meet internal and external communication needs. Helpful frameworks for understanding and evaluating these solutions are shared, along with perspectives on the suppliers in this market, industry leaders, lessons learned, and do’s and don’ts.

W9: KM: Strategic Partner for Top & Bottom Line Impact
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Richard Marrs, Managing Director, The Warren Company

Knowledge management must directly support key business functions in meeting their strategic business goals and objectives and clearly impact the top and bottom line. Generic tools and processes, document repositories, and taxonomies are a good foundation, but until business-function knowledge-specific tools and processes are identified, designed, and implemented, KM will continually be struggling for relevance and survival as a strategic partner within organizations.

This workshop provides strategies and frameworks for KM as a partner with each business function in the organization, embracing the business goals and objectives as KM’s own. This means working hand in hand and becoming part of the extended business function team. Value is created directly at the business function level, in real dollars, allowing concrete ROI from KM’s contributions. In this workshop, you will learn to apply cutting-edge concepts and interactive processes around a real business function and become a key strategic partner by understanding key business functions goals and objectives; identifying key knowledge needs; co-designing tools, structures and processes to address those needs; and actively supporting and facilitating the processes.

W10: Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Steve Barth, Assistant Professor/Chair, Business & Entrepreneurship, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Engineering and the Business of Innovation, University of Southern California Reflected Knowledge Consulting

The unfulfilled promise of KM is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but complexity theory and corporate experience demonstrate that topdown organizational outcomes are incredibly difficult to design or predict. Cognition might be social, but it depends entirely on who shows up and what they bring to the table. Few KM projects go far enough to understand or address the individual priorities and processes that lead to self-organization in the workplace. The increasing interest in personal knowledge management highlights the need for values, skills, and tools to build stronger teams and networks from the ground up. This workshop, led by one of the first KM experts to write about personal KM, explores how individual effectiveness scales up to organizational productivity with a focus on the capabilities and responsibilities of individual knowledge workers.

Afternoon Workshops
W11: Learning Fast to Stay Relevant
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Kent A Greenes, Founder & Principal Consultant, Greenes Consulting The Conference Board

Knowledge workers today are leading and working on the edge in markets and battlefields that are constantly changing. In a world where a new entrant can leapfrog market leaders in a single bound, knowledge workers need to learn faster from everything they do to stay relevant and ahead of the competition. Organizations ranging from British Petroleum to the U.S. Army to the Defense Intelligence Agency are applying proven practices and tools to develop self-aware, adaptive knowledge leaders and workers to successfully do business and perform missions they have never been trained for in markets and on battlefields that are constantly changing. This companion workshop to the morning workshop Building the Enterprise of the Future trains and coaches participants in the same techniques used by these leading organizations to learn quickly from every project, task, or activity they undertake. The methods and techniques covered in this workshop have been delivered and honed through application in more than 50 public and private sector organizations over the last 10 years. In addition to training individuals to improve their own performance as knowledge workers, this workshop provides methods for team and group application. Team leaders, project managers, and KM practitioners responsible for leading and delivering flawless execution on work activities, projects, and programs will particularly want to attend.

W12: Critical Success Factors for KM Initiatives
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Larry Chait, Managing Director, Chait and Associates, Inc

As we all know, leveraging knowledge is a critical factor in operational effectiveness and organizational innovation. Yet with all of its importance, far too many KM initiatives fall short or fail outright. In this hands-on and interactive session, attendees work through a series of exercises to understand this paradox in order to identify the requirements for success and to answer these questions: Why do so many KM initiatives fail to measure up? What makes KM unique? What is required for success? What tools and techniques can be used to help?

W13: Selecting & Implementing Intranet Search
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Martin White, Consultant & Author, UK

This workshop moves from the requirements specification to selecting the search engine/appliance and to actually making it work post-installation. White provides an overview of current intranet search software and search appliances. Filled with tips and strategies, this workshop provides a step-by-step framework for selecting and implementing intranet search in your environment. In addition to discussing the various options and types of search tools available, it focuses on implementation. It looks at usability issues, highlighting the importance of understanding how people search when designing search interfaces. The issues of upgrading intranet search to enterprise-wide search are also covered.

W14: Content Strategy and Practice
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Bob Boiko, Founder & CEO, Metatorial Services, Inc. Senior Lecturer, University of Washington Information School, & Author, The Content Management Bible, Laughing at the CIO, & the upcoming The Structure of Information

In this hands-on workshop, Boiko goes step by step through the process of creating a content management system. He starts with content strategy, illustrating what goals your system should accomplish; discusses content modeling, which indicates what information your system needs to deliver; and talks about content presentation, which shows you how the information should be delivered to your users. Using successful examples, Boiko discusses system design, which illustrates the content management system you need to implement the ideas you have come up with. In this interactive workshop, you will work out in each step what the concepts mean for your organization, and leave with a high-level but complete content plan for one type of content. You can go back to work and immediately begin to work through the same sort of plan for all of the most important information in your organization.

W15: Designing & Developing Intranets Using MS SharePoint
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Craig St. Clair, Principal Consultant, Enterprise Knowledge LLC

For many organizations, Microsoft SharePoint already is or will be the software of choice for developing intranets in the age of portals. This workshop goes beyond a mere description of SharePoint’s current and coming functionality and delves into how to get the most out of this powerful software. St. Clair comes armed with a set of tools and practices that will help you design an intranet using SharePoint. Particular attention is paid to taxonomy development, navigation, security, personalization, content modeling and management, and incorporating a governance structure. Participants learn just how far they can go in configuring the software without going too far down the road to customization.

W16: Taxonomies, Metadata, and Facets
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
Josh Powers, Chief Ontologist, Convera
Jim Wessely, President, Advanced Document Sciences

As more organizations develop and/or buy taxonomies, it becomes ever more important to look at taxonomy development within an enterprise context. This workshop covers a full range of taxonomy issues, from initial buy/develop criteria, use of software tools, the possibilities and dangers of collaborative taxonomy development, to staffing and funding models, integration of taxonomies and metadata with search and content management, and the utilization of taxonomies in a range of applications such as text mining and alerts. It includes an in-depth look at faceted taxonomies and the use of taxonomies in faceted navigation applications, including how to turn differences in how people categorize from a problem to a solution with personal taxonomies.

W17: Local Information Management: The End-User Revolution
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jean Graef, Founder, The Montague Institute

End-user development can be thought of as do-it-yourself computing in a business setting. It’s the cutting edge of a major shift in the Web 2.0 world from centralized to localized information management, from providers to users. Instead of being tolerated or disparaged by IT staff (who sometimes call it “shadow computing”), it’s emerging as a viable development option. This workshop illustrates end-user development with real-world examples, provides step-by-step guides to how and why it’s done, and explores the implications for knowledge managers, corporate taxonomists, and intranet developers.

W18: Intranet Governance & Standards: Strategies for Success
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Carmine Porco, Technology Strategist

A successful portal promotes and institutes change within an enterprise. It supports the way users and management approach and perform work. A widely deployed, highly interactive site/portal leaves few internal processes and business functions untouched. It changes the way work is performed — whether searching for product and service information, enrolling and completing training, or submitting expenses. The site/portal therefore becomes the center of the workday for knowledge workers and those dependent on the Website for tools and information. This workshop focuses on how to manage and govern a portal for success and productivity. Using lots of real world examples, it provides recommendations for staffing, management and governance of the site/portal, incorporates samples of editorial policies, and discusses the importance of creating and following standards including branding guidelines and style guides.

W19: Organizational Network Analysis (ONA)
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Patti Anklam, Principal Consultant Net Work & Author, NetWork, Net Work
Bruce Hoppe, President, Connective Associates

This half-day workshop introduces the concepts and tools of ONA. It articulates the business uses of ONA, describes actual cases in which ONA proved useful in a KM context; identifies the methods and tools that are in the ONA toolkit; distinguishes between social networking analysis (SNA), ONA, and social software; and discusses how to leverage social networks in organizations to enhance knowledge flows. Using real-world examples, speakers make the case for using ONA in your organization and provide a step-by-step process for implementation.

W20: Peer Mentoring: Sharing What You Know
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dave Harden, President, Charles Shad, VP,, KnowHow Inc.

Mentoring can be a frustrating experience for those involved because the job is time consuming and it isn’t written into any schedules. Often, smart folks have no efficient method to articulate years of knowledge swirling in their heads. Yet, businesses are faced with real issues that require effective knowledge transfer and mentoring now more than ever before: Every 6 seconds a Baby Boomer is retiring with valuable corporate knowledge that people need to know. New employees and contingent staff need to get up-tospeed quicker, with less stress and greater productivity. Incorporating new technology almost always means part of the team goes forward to figure it out while the rest of the team maintains the current systems. Only one or two people on a team have a specific skill, putting that team at risk. This workshop provides clear and simple tools to help:

  •   Manage change in the workplace
  •   Fundamentally improve the way subject matter experts communicate with and train each other
  •   Mentors figure out what is most important and timely, and enable them to deliver this information in an efficient manner.

Tools discussed are the same ones used by Microsoft, Nike, Electronic Arts, and Occidental — organizations that are providing their workforces with the mind-sets, techniques, and skill sets to create a culture of mentoring, coaching, and knowledge transfer.

Program Table of Contents

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