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2005 KMWorld Promise and Reality Awards finalists: Ultimus

Adaptive Discovery™ ­ The End of Process Analysis Paralysis

The Business Process Management (BPM) industry has always touted benefits in operational efficiency and effectiveness, but many companies that first deploy BPM face an uphill battle in mapping and modeling complicated processes with multiple steps, rules and exceptions. Often these companies get ³stuck² in this modeling phase and never see the true benefits of BPM.

Ultimus' patented Adaptive Discovery changes the game entirely- biggest challenge of BPM projects- processes in enough detail to enable automation. Unlike every other approach that requires processes to be defined in specific detail before accepting automation, Adaptive Discovery is capable of shortening the time it takes to capture the total competitive advantages of BPM. It allows automated business processes to be deployed without requiring complete process maps, models or definitions. Instead, it identifies when a process is undefined, capturing that ³unruly² event and notifying a process expert. The technology also ³learns² from the process, handling similar incidents automatically.

Adaptive Discovery:

  • Shortens Process Definition and Discovery Efforts
  • Simplifies Change 
  •  Reduces Time-to-Value for BPM Projects
  • Broadens the Scope of BPM Process Targets

Adaptive Discovery is ideal for processes that are constantly changing or are difficult to define. Additionally, modifying rules is a snap. Ultimus' Adaptive Discovery allows those hardto- define details, or new situations, to be captured in real time, using real process incidents, rather than requiring hour upon hour of frustrating requirements definition meetings.

For more information on Ultimus and its revolutionary Adaptive Discovery technology, contact us at the following:

15200 Weston Parkway Suite 106
Cary, North Carolina 27513

Phone: 919.678.0900
Fax: 919.678.090
E-mail: info@ultimus.com
Web: (www.ultimus.com)

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