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Business Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence: Access Innovations

Access Innovations adds value and enhances access to your organization’s knowledge base with content classification, streamlining workflow and productivity and ensuring portability of your information assets. A full list of services can be found at www.accessinn.com

Our Data Harmony software tools include thesaurus construction, automatic indexing, database creation, content creation, automatic summarization for abstracting, rule based indexing, natural language processing, entity and metadata extraction tools. In short you can create an entire Dublin Core contributed Metadata citation with Abstract and subject indexing using machine assistance or automatically. The software suite provides tools to publishers, both primary and secondary, and to database producers, online and web-based directory publishers, corporate libraries, Web portals, and corporate and association large intranets.

Access Innovations also offers specialized knowledge domains for licensing. Our taxonomy library covers a wide range of fields and disciplines, and customized domains such as business, news, science, education etc. For a full list go to www.dataharmony.com

Founded in 1978, Access Innovations, Inc. offers an extensive line of information management and database construction products and services for academic institutions, government agencies, and industry across all industry sectors. Call 505-998-0800 to discuss your specific needs.
Access Innovations Inc.
P.O. Box 8640
Albuquerque, NM 87198-8640
Phone: 505.998.0800
Web: www.accessinn.com

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