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CEO Vision: NetDocuments

Increased efficiency and effectiveness in every day business processes are realized from proven SaaS technology, not to mention technology simply and easily solving typical day-to-day IT demands facing businesses of all kinds. NetDocuments SaaS-based Electronic Content Management (ECM) not only simplifies such mundane business processes as managing documents, emails, records, and paper but also gives IT and end users universal access to documents in a simple, straightforward web browser-based user interface. Additional features include built-in disaster recovery (without the hassles and capital expense of purchasing on-premise servers and systems), automatic, always up-to-date maintenance, and a single solution for document/email life cycle management. The NetDocuments approach to ECM is to offer, as a "service," document and email integrated life cycle management with a single repository and common set of services for such functionalities as search, compliance, security, and management.

NetDocuments was the first fully functional SaaS-based ECM in the market. Our long-term work in ECM has made us the world leader in digitizing, managing, and servicing, via a web-based secure repository, electronic documents for virtually any business. The NetDocuments single framework for organizing documents internally and sharing them externally has become a hallmark of the NetDocuments SaaS offering. In the SaaS model offered by
NetDocuments, records are continually being created automatically when digital files are externalized, emails are being captured with all metadata and attachments for best practices, and Microsoft Exchange is being automatically deflated. We envision compliance, retention, digital rights management, and business continuity—all built into the basic architecture of SaaS-based document services.

Comprehensive content management in an affordable, simple SaaS offering is the NetDocuments vision.

625 South State St.
Orem, UT 84058

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