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Dr. Pehong Chen, CEO of Broadvision
discusses the Importance of Consolidating Business Communications and Knowledge

Time to fix the communication chaos

Vmoso from BroadVision is an Enterprise Digital Transformation Hub that consolidates your business communication and knowledge

2018 will be the year that companies finally recognize the need to get a grip on their business communication. While most organizations have firm control of the data security in their systems of record, few have had the appetite to tackle the problem of the information and knowledge fragmented across internal- and external-facing employee communication. A few years ago, at least this was all secure in company email servers; now it’s fragmented across a chaotic mess of “shadow IT” apps introduced to the company without corporate approval. This year, companies will wake up to the risk that presents.

The drivers here are various. Some companies will be legally obliged to change - in May, the European Union introduces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which promises huge fines for companies who fail to protect customer data with due care. GDPR’s impact is not limited to Europe—it applies to every company who wants to do business with European consumers. Other companies will have seen widely-reported communication scandals—Clinton, Trump, Uber and many others—as wake-up calls to get their own house in order.

But many organisations will also recognise the positive reasons for fixing the way they communicate. Knowledge is power, but you need to be able find the knowledge to wield the power. Too many have seen email as the monster that can’t be defeated, but corporate data security teams are realizing that the alternative - letting employees replace email with whatever mobile app they want - is much worse. In 2018, many more organizations will realise this is something that can’t be put off any longer.

Web: www.broadvision.com
Email: sales@broadvision.com
Tel: 650-331-1000

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