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KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2007

Endeca Information Access Platform—a complete search solution that unites records, documents and other assets using meta-relational architecture.

Exalead Exalead Search—provides thumbnail previews of the target pages along with the results, and allows advanced refining on the results page (language, geographic location, file type, categories) and also further data refinement.

Exsys CORVID Knowledge Automation Expert System Software—enables businesses, government and organizations to distribute a company’s knowledge to people who need it through interactive Web-enabled expert systems.

FAST Enterprise Search Platform 5.1—a services-oriented architecture enabling high scalability and flexibility to support a variety of hardware and operating systems for search and search-related applications.

FileNet/IBM P8 4.0—built on standards-based J2EE architecture for SOA environments, a unified content, process and compliance platform designed to accelerate application deployment.

Fiorano SOA 2007—an SOA platform that significantly reduces the time-to-delivery of distributed applications.

Global 360 G360 Enterprise BPM Suite—enables organizations to manage complete process life cycles, translate strategies into actions, automate processes and gain insight and visibility into operations.

Google Google Apps—an impressive and ever-growing line of enterprise tools and solutions.

Groxis Grokker Search—multisource federation, data clustering/visualization, dynamic filtering and collaboration tools specifically engineered for actionable research.

HandySoft OfficeEngine— allows knowledge workers to create, assign, delegate, track and execute mission-critical work in real time.

Infinity Info Systems Sage SalesLogix for Buy-Side Firms— is a CRM-based system designed specifically for hedge funds, traditional asset managers, private equity and real estate funds.

InQuira Inquira 8.0—a fully integrated customer interaction suite combining intelligent search, knowledge management and analytics.

IntelliSearch IntelliSearch Platform 2.0—enables searching and monitoring of all business internal and external information related to the individual’s role and interest.

Interwoven WorkSite for Collaborative Document Management—team-based collaboration for document-intensive processes.

Iron Mountain Image on Demand—a cost-effective conversion solution for paper-based documents that have low retrieval needs.

ISYS Search Software ISYS 8—full range of search software designed to provide powerful yet affordable search, navigation and discovery across a broad range of formats, languages and environments.

KANA Response for Email Management—automates the process of capturing, documenting, interpreting, routing and prescribing answers.

KNOVA KNOVA 7—a sophisticated search and knowledge management platform driving customer service applications.

Kofax Document Exchange Server—a document-driven business process automation solution that allows users to interact with documents through flexible client options and route documents to virtually any system.

Kroll Ontrack Engenium Search—uses a conceptual search engine and automatic clustering to analyze documents by meaning, concept and context.

LibertyIMS LibertyNET Enterprise—integrated, flexible platform designed to provide capabilities for electronic DM, RM, process automation, workflow, DAM, COLD/ERM, e-forms, e-mail management and collaboration.

Mediasurface Morello V5.5—Web content management solution incorporating a sophisticated document conversion tool, a Google Search Appliance plug-in and a range of technology updates.

MetaCarta Geographic Text Search—identifies implied and explicit references to geographic locations within documents, assigns latitude/longitude coordinates to the references, indexes the document and subsequently enables a search for indexed documents.

Metastorm Enterprise BPM—a set of interrelated offerings that enable visibility across the enterprise and close the gaps between strategy and enterprise architecture, analysis and execution.

Microsoft MS Office SharePoint Server 2007—an integrated suite of capabilities that provides comprehensive content management and enterprise search, accelerating shared business processes and facilitating information-sharing across boundaries.

Mindjet MindManager 7—a tool for companies and individuals to work creatively and efficiently by providing different ways to visually capture and manage information.

NetDocuments Digital Records Management—a single, SaaS-based repository for the entire life cycle of documents and e-mails, eliminating the need to move them into another storage location.

NextPage NextPage 2 Document Collaboration—knowledge management tools that can track documents through e-mail attachments and hard drives.

Noetix Enterprise Technology Suite—a BI solution that automatically uncovers unique configurations of business applications and translates data into simple and immediately usable business information.

Northern Light SinglePoint—a market research portal that collects and integrates competitive intelligent content, making it searchable from a single interface (with a single login) and providing seamless download of relevant documents to users from the servers wherever they are hosted.

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