Mindbreeze InSpire Illuminates and Connects All Information in your Organization
Mindbreeze: Mindbreeze InSpire

Increasingly, businesses are coming to understand just how valuable their data and expertise really are. But the greater the data pool is, the more difficult it is for users to find precisely what they are seeking. Drawing from a diverse range of methods, Mindbreeze InSpire slashes the time and effort it takes to gain critical insights.
Mindbreeze uses AI techniques such as entity recognition, knowledge extraction, natural language processing, semantic relations, and more to deliver proactive insights to the user.
The world is as detail-oriented and information-overloaded as ever. With information everywhere and data existing in bunches, your business must be taking steps to manage it properly and truly understand what it means. Mindbreeze InSpire paves the way for companies to analyze their data (both structured and unstructured) efficiently and capitalize fully on the information buried within it.
Mindbreeze InSpire is utilized in various functional areas, including customer service, maintenance and repair, project management, human resource management, sales, and R&D.
The search applications designed for these functions are tailored to the specific requirements of each business area, creating a sound foundation for supporting business process transformation for everyday projects and tasks. The solution collects and consolidates information from a wide range of connected data sources and delivers it proactively across all applications, departments, and even corporate boundaries—right when and where it is needed.
Learn more about how Mindbreeze can enhance your operations with connected information!

Mindbreeze Corporation
Web: www.mindbreeze.com
E-mail: office@mindbreeze.com
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