Trend-Setting Product of 2005 FAST Search & Transfer: FAST ESP™
FAST ESP is the only enterprise search platform that gives companies a single point of access to all of their enterprise information—in real time, regardless of data format, structure, or location. As a result, organizations using FAST ESP gain a complete 360° view of their enterprises, giving them the perspective to make better-informed, more effective decisions that, ultimately, drive their bottom lines. Search is becoming a true enterprise wide capability, providing major corporations around the world, including Cardinal Health, CareerBuilder, CIGNA, Dell, IBM, Reed Elsevier, Reuters, and Vodafone with the ability to intelligently and dynamically access and retrieve information to drive revenues and reduce costs.
Fast Search & Transfer (FAST)
117 Kendrick St. Suite 100
Needham, Ma 02494
Phone: 781.304.2400
Fax: 781.304.2410
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