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Trend-Setting Products of 2007: Infinity Info Systems, Intellisearch, ISYS, KANA

  • Infinity Info Systems: Contact Management Solutions

Infinity Info Systems
525 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Contact: Brian Weinberger

Phone: 646.747.6340
Web: www.www.infinityinfo.com

Infinity Info Systems has been the leading technology solution provider for customer relationship management (CRM) systems since 1987. Offering SalesLogix, ACT!, Sage CRM, and Microsoft CRM software and services, our staff of over 60 professionals combines world-class products with Infinity’s proven methodology to help companies deepen customer relationships and improve their corporate profitability.

Dedicated to excellence, Infinity has successfully implemented more than 3,500 contact management and customer relationship management solutions, trained over 130,000 professionals, and received numerous top industry awards for both strong sales and customer service. To learn more about Infinity’s solutions and services, please visit www.infinityinfo.com or contact us at 1.800.354.4228.

IntelliSearch: IntelliSearch Platform 2.0

IntelliSearch, Inc.
268 Bush St #3641
San Francisco, CA 94104

Phone: 510.339.5610
Fax: 510.649.5304
Contact: info@intellisearchusa.com
Web: www.intellisearchusa.com

IntelliSearch 2.0 enables search and monitoring of all business internal and external information related to the individual’s role and interest. The result is a personalized search result that can be distributed to email, SMS and personalized monitoring page. IntelliSearch 2.0 includes—

  • Solution sets include: Enterprise, Website, eCommerce, Online-Media, Market Surveillance and OEM.
  • Personalized Search Agent—called the ‘Knowledge Assistant’—is an intelligent search agent keeping you informed about the latest news within your area of interest when working with Office 2007. The assistant will automatically search and retrieve information related to your current work. When the user writes a new document in Word, the agent will automatically search and retrieve similar and related documents in the company network and external media sources.
  • Web 2.0 and Ajax—technologies to provide dynamic search results as well as enabling search in network sites, WIKIs, blogs and other collaboration tools.
  • Proactive Search to monitor topics of interest and obtain alerts in the form of SMS and email.
    New standard API that simplifies 3rd party application integration.

ISYS: ISYS 8 Enterprise Search Suite

ISYS Search Software, Inc.
8775 E. Orchard Road, #811
Englewood, CO 8011
Phone: 800.992.4797
Fax: 303.689.9997
Contact: info@isys-search.com
Web: www.isys-search.com

Search, Navigate and Discover More With ISYS 8

The ISYS 8 enterprise search suite from ISYS Search Software goes beyond the basic "search and retrieval" model by delivering capabilities that address several key information access requirements, such as:

  • Text mining, e-discovery and expertise location via ISYS Entities
  • Scalability and extensibility through content caching, scripting and federated search support
  • Adherence to business rules via tuning and editorial controls such as Best Bets and metadata weighting
  • Search analytics capabilities through ISYS SearchTrends, which reveal what users are searching for, what they’re finding and, more importantly, what they aren’t
  • Broader content support, including Interwoven WorkSite and integration with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

To learn more, contact us at info@isys-search.com or visit us at www.isys-search.com/kmworld.

KANA: Response for Email Management

KANA Software
181 Constitution Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Phone: 800.737.8738
Contact: sales@kana.com
Web: www.kana.com

When is email management much more than email? When it’s from KANA.

KANA delivers the world’s leading email response management system, proven in hundreds of successful companies around the world. KANA’s email solution improves agent productivity, reduces costs, and lets you easily manage exponential growth in email volume.

With powerful features like intelligent routing, pre-formatted replies and real-time queue monitoring, you accelerate contact resolution and keep your customers happy.

No wonder KM World named it "Trend-Setter Product" two years running. What’s more, KANA’s email solution is part of an enterprise suite of multi-channel service solutions, so customers get consistent, responsive service every time, from Web self-service, to live chat and collaboration, to email and call centers.

It’s a multi-channel world, and KANA is the one solution you need.

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