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Trend-Setting Products of 2009:

TCDI: Discovery WorkFlow™
Better eDiscovery Processing
Discovery WorkFlow delivers fast, accurate, and defensible eDiscovery processing.

TCDI developed Discovery WorkFlow to increase speed, accuracy and transparency in eDiscovery processing. Combining a centralized workflow control, an integrated database, and the ability to queue a wide variety of applications used to process electronically stored information (ESI), Discovery WorkFlow is capable of processing large volumes of data quickly and efficiently in preparation for legal review and production.

Discovery WorkFlow eliminates manual data hand-offs from process to process, and provides full audit and reporting of completion codes and exceptions. In addition, Discovery WorkFlow controls processing speed by allocating resources across a vast distributed server work environment.

Discovery WorkFlow is setting new standards for eDiscovery processing.

Technology Concepts & Design, Inc.
4510 Weybridge Lane
Greensboro NC 27407

PH: 888.823.2880 or 336.232.5800
Contact: info@tcdi.com
Web: www.tcdi.com

ZyLAB: ZyIMAGE eDiscovery and Production Platform
Around the world, corporate counsels, executive boards, and human resources teams are turning to ZyLAB to bring e-discovery in-house, save on legal costs, and enhance their overall operational efficiency. Our award-winning ZyIMAGE eDisovery and Production solution is fast becoming the standard for companies needing comprehensive search and information management capabilities, particularly for legal agreements and e-mail.

A complete platform for legal professionals who require robust products for contract management, due diligence, discovery and litigation support, this deployment is the ultimate platform for organizations that want to implement a litigation readiness program. It contains all of ZyLAB’s e-discovery products plus records management, contract management, e-mail management and other advanced capabilities to enhance the accessibility of all back-office information and make it easier to organize and manage.

ZyLAB North America LLC
7918 Jones Branch Drive
Suite 530
McLean VA 22102

PH: 866.995.2262
FAX: 703.991.2508
Contact: info@zylab.com
Web: www.zylab.com

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