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Trend-Setting Products of 2011:
Metalogix: Content Lifecycle Management for SharePoint and
Fabasoft: Mindbreeze Enterprise

Metalogix: Content Lifecycle Management for SharePoint
Metalogix Software is a leading provider of content lifecycle management solutions for Microsoft SharePointTM, Exchange® and legacy enterprise content environments. We enable organizations to scale and cost-effectively manage, migrate, store, archive and protect enterprise content.

Designed to reduce cost while minimizing risk, Metalogix solutions also deliver something you may need most of all-freedom. With award-winning products for managing content throughout its lifecycle-for deployments on-premise or in the cloud-Metalogix gives you the freedom to optimize your enterprise content, even if it originated in legacy content management systems, such as file shares, Exchange Public Folders, eRoom, or Oracle/Stellent. Our Migration Manager for SharePoint enables you to upgrade from SharePoint 2003 and 2007 to take advantage of the groundbreaking features of SharePoint 2010, and StoragePoint helps give you the freedom to access almost any content through SharePoint, regardless of size.  Metalogix archiving solutions, including Archive Manager, help customers automatically optimize and archive critical Microsoft content in the simplest, most cost-effective way.

Metalogix also offers you the freedom to set the policies you require, select the automation you need, optimize your storage, improve your ability to find information quickly and reduce infrastructure costs.

Headquartered in Washington, DC, Metalogix Software has helped more than 6,000 customers worldwide cost-effectively manage, migrate, store, archive and protect their enterprise content. The company is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and is part of EMC Select.

5335 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 510
Washington DC 20015

PH: 877.450.8667
Contact: sales@metalogix.com
Web: www.metalogix.com

Fabasoft: Mindbreeze Enterprise

360 Degree View of your Business
What was the customer's latest e-mail? Who is the account manager? Which projects are critical? During a business day many different questions have to be answered, often with time pressure. Finding the answers needs to be easy and intuitive. Mindbreeze products offer a new way to view, browse and access relevant enterprise information, anywhere and anytime. Mindbreeze understands, relates and combines information from all sources and presents intelligent search results. Information can be grouped and is classified. Users can scan the different categories and spot a particular document without having to click through a list of links themselves. The information's semantic relationship is recognized and depicted, navigation elements and facets are provided as well as a preview of any result in the browser. With Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise you get a 360 degree view of your business, customers, competitors and more.

No need to worry about access rights. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise verifies that a user is allowed to see all information that is found. If access rights change, Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise immediately takes this into account.

Mobile your Information
Employees are mobile and independent. They use smartphones and tablets as their information hotspots. Enterprises are challenged to provide information quickly, easily and securely at anytime and anywhere. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile supports your enterprise to profit from new opportunities to e-mail, collaborate and work with documents from any location. With Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile you can deliver any information to your mobile device's interface and enhance it with context and classification features. Again, approved security procedures ensure that users can only see information for which they have rights.

Download. Try. Enjoy the independence!

Try Mindbreeze for Wikipedia in the cloud. Now.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze
Mindbreeze Software GmbH

US Distribution
Fabasoft Corporation
101 Federal Street Suite 1900
Boston, MA 02110

Phone: 617.342.7117
Contact: office@mindbreeze.com

Honauerstrasse 4
4020 Linz, Austria

Phone: +43.732.606162-0
Fax: +43.732.606162-609
Contact: Daniel.Fallmann@mindbreeze.com

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