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Trend-Setting Products of 2012: Access Innovations, Inc: Data Harmony®

Data Harmony® software tools provide semantic control and enrichment, enabling information to be found accurately and quickly. Logical frameworks of topics offer precise and consistent access to client collections, allowing them to find the exact document needed, when wanted. Through well-built and systematically applied knowledge organization systems (taxonomy, thesaurus, ontologies, etc.), Data Harmony® delivers solutions to the information world.

Data Harmony® 3.8 features add to the already broad Thesaurus Master®, M.A.I.TM (Automatic Indexing) and XIS content citation system:

  • Thesaurus Master® integration with SharePoint 2010 includes navigation, full thesaurus view, Automatic Indexing from thesaurus terms, as well as all updating and maintenance features of Thesaurus Master®. DataHarmony.net cuts a new edge in SharePoint functionality.
  • DHCollaboration allows discussion at all levels of Thesaurus Master® user interface from any web browser, supporting SME subject matter expert feedback and distributed team thesaurus building.
  • Export formats include XML, SKOS, OWL, SharePoint, MARC, Spreadsheets, as well as 14 other included formats
  • M.A.I.TM Automatic Indexing system applies taxonomy terms to PDF and text in all formats, either inline within full text or in a separate field or XML element
  • Multilingual capabilities in full Unicode support all languages and characters to enhance global applications
  • Linked Data supports additional semantic enrichment within full text
  • Dynamic View provides a new interactive tree visualization of the taxonomy
  • Additional built-in sort features and relevance weighting
  • New administration dashboard layout gives easy access to features and customization

Data Harmony® 3.8 is available on a cloud system, in a hosted SaaS version, or an Enterprise version hosted on your server.

Access Innovations, Inc
PO Box 8640
Albuquerque, NM 87198
Phone: +1-505-998-0800
Contact: j_ven_eman@accessinn.com
Web: http://www.accessinn.com/

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