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Unearth the importance of creativity in knowledge management at KM & AI Summit 2025

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With the abrupt conversations surrounding AI, it’s easy to forget about the human element.

Stephanie Barnes, a knowledge management consultant at Entelechy and author of Designing a Successful KM Strategy: A Guide for the Knowledge Management Professional, will approach thinking about knowledge management in another way by injecting creativity with art-based interventions during her KM & AI Summit session, “Creativity, Art & KM.”

Unlock the future of innovation and knowledge management at the KM & AI Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona, March 17-19, 2025.

The first of its kind event, brought to you by the organizers of KMWorld, brings together thought leaders, technologists, KM practitioners, and industry experts to explore cutting-edge strategies for managing organizational knowledge and leveraging the power of AI to drive transformation.

“I’ll be speaking about radical knowledge management going back to roots of how we learn,” Barnes said. “Knowledge management at the root is about learning.”

Barnes’ session will be an experiential workshop looking at how we learn, helping us be more human and reconnect to those ways of knowing using art space interventions.

“It’s a 2-hour session where we’ll be doing some improv games, drawing, and more so people can experience it,” Barnes said. “There’s neuroscience and research that backs up what I’m talking about. Helping people appreciate doing these things helps them be problem solvers and allows us to take a breath to figure the next steps of what to do.”

With how exhausted and burnt-out people are reporting they feel, this session is a timely one.

“There’s a need to do things differently and there’s a push back against AI with concerns about privacy, people are exhausted,” Barnes said. “We’ve been seeing this since pandemic, people are stressed, they don’t know what to do or believe.”

She hopes this session will help people step back and introduce space for contemplation and reflection.

Since the KM & AI Summit is a new endeavor, she’s looking forward to hearing what people are doing with AI. The variety of sessions on Monday are more focused on helping humans in an AI-driven world.

“I’m curious to see how people are helping the humans, we’re struggling,” Barnes said. “I’m interested in seeing how people are approaching integrating AI into a KM strategy. There are too many potential negative consequences of using tool incorrectly.”

She believes attendees will enjoy the first day of the conference’s sessions.

“There’s hype and anxiety around AI and these sessions are so practical because they are the easiest to implement,” Barnes said. “This stuff can be overwhelming to talk about and there’s a lot of thinking outside the box and people are uncomfortable with that. It takes time for some of these ideas to challenge accepted norms. It takes time to percolate.”

Barnes is also looking forward to networking and being someplace warm during the KM & AI Summit.

“I’ve spent 9 years in Berlin, so I have a fair sense of the European mindset around KM and AI,” Barnes said. “I’m excited to hear how North America is dealing with it and what’s happening here.”

Barnes will conduct her session on Monday, March 17, at 3:15 pm.

For more information on KM & AI Summit and to register, go to https://www.kmworld.com/KMAISummit/2025/Default.aspx

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