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View From The Top: Access Innovations, Inc., Marjorie Hlava, President

With over 27 years successful experience in document classification and transformation, taxonomy creation, indexing, and platform-independent content management, Access Innovations assists corporate, governmental, and academic clients leverage their information assets.

We know that successful organizations prize their knowledge assets and strive to provide smooth and efficient access for their users. DataHarmony is Access Innovations' suite of software programs originally designed to facilitate that mission internally. Thesaurus Master™, NISO, ISO, and W3C compliant, simplifies the construction and management of custom taxonomies—from scratch, to improve an existing one, or to tailor one of our 40 ready-made Knowledge Domains. M.A.I.™ is the smart Machine Aided Indexer, combining human indexing skills with machine speed and capability to produce truly effective guides to your unique knowledge assets. ROI can be realized within 3 months along with continuing productivity and accuracy gains. XIS, the XML Intranet System, delivers on the promise of accessibility.

Interaction with our clients and attention to future needs drive product improvements even as our clients find innovative ways to incorporate DataHarmony into their information management solutions. Presentations at a recent User Meeting included:

  • Integration of XIS with AWWA systems, including Livelink and Cold Fusion on the Web

  • Large Batch Processing Against a Modular Thesaurus

  • GAO 92% Accuracy on Full Text Documents

New products MAI-Chem and MAI-Lib include specialized chemical and library terms and rules. Call us with your information management challenges. We can turn "content management" into "knowledge asset maximization!"

See for yourself. Request an evaluation CD of the DataHarmony suite.E-mail: mhlava@accessinn.comWeb: www.accessinn.com Phone: (800) 926-8328

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