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View From The Top: Northern Light, C. David Seuss, CEO

Research shows that companies that pay more attention to the external environment are more successful. Northern Light provides custom enterprise, industry, and Web search engines. We have built and installed over 200 search and content integration applications for leading organizations. All products use Northern Light's proprietary search technology with its classification engine and 17,000-node subject taxonomy.

Market Intelligence Portals

Northern Light's research professionals scour the Web, mine online business libraries for authoritative content, and monitor news sources to create a concise, easy-to-navigate website that an entire enterprise can use to track market trends, competitors, and industry developments. Search Alerts, our editorial team, and dynamic content keep the site current and engaging.

Industry Search Engines

Context adds value! We create custom search engines for clients that concentrate all the vast and detailed information on the Web about an industry. Include websites of competitors, associations, journals and government agencies.

Business Research Engine

The Business Research Engine is designed to meet the needs of market researchers, competitive intelligence professionals, salespeople, developers, strategic planners, and information center professionals. Content includes the Business Web™, with tens of millions of pages of Web content editorially selected to be of high quality for business research and a comprehensive library of trade journals and newswires.

SinglePoint Market Research Engines

SinglePoint offers a more efficient and effective way to use licensed external content with one login, one search, and one integrated results set; all classified and relevance-ranked to a single consistent standard. Include internal content too.

Visit Northern Light at http://www.northernlight.com or call 617-242-5594.

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