BA Insight, Massood Zarrabian, CEO: Why Does Enterprise Search Have Such a Bad Rap?
Why Does Enterprise Search Have Such a Bad Rap?
Do you ever wonder why the enterprise search market has gotten such a bad rap?
It is because implementations don't meet users' or leadership's expectations. The primary reasons for this are:
1. Monolithic Implementations: Utilizing “ERP-like” integrated platforms that are heavily customized, frequently take six months or more to implement, and are painful to upgrade.
2. High Total Cost of Ownership: Inherent in the “all or nothing” approach of implementing a closed platform is the purchase and implementation of features that aren’t used. In some cases, this has driven TCO up to 2-5x higher than necessary.
3. Lack of Flexibility: Large integrated platforms are expensive and difficult to deploy and upgrade, slowing the responsiveness of information technology. This creates user dissatisfaction throughout the organization, damages the reputation of the information technology team, and makes "search" a bad word.
We Believe There is a Better Way:
♦Take Advantage of Your Existing Infrastructure: Whether it is O365, Azure Search, Elasticsearch, or SharePoint Server, use technology that works within your current environment. You don’t need another platform.
♦ Use a Modular Solution: Choose, implement, and pay for only what you need. This provides the flexibility to implement what you need now, add to it over time, or upgrade certain components without upgrading everything.
♦ Protect Your Investment: With the sunsetting of GSA, many organizations face costly rip and replace efforts. Your investment should be protected. For example, if you start with SharePoint and migrate to Elasticsearch, then you shouldn’t have to start from scratch. You should also be able to unify users’ search results.
BA Insight’s Software Portfolio modernizes enterprise search and intranets while removing the roadblocks and limitations that organizations face. Our best of breed strategy takes advantage of your existing infrastructure including O365, Elasticsearch, Azure Search and SharePoint Server, as well as Microsoft’s AI Services and/or Google Cloud’s Machine Learning. Our software is modular, so customers can implement a larger enterprise search initiative or implement only what is needed and add to it over time. There is also the flexibility to implement smaller, independent projects to meet specific needs. Our approach enables IT agility and dramatically lowers TCO.

BA Insight
7 Liberty Square, Floor 3
Boston, MA 02109
PH: 339.368.7234
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