Making Better Business Decisions with Machine Learning Algorithms

A Knowledge Management Portal Optimized for Enterprise Market Research and Competitive Intelligence
Most enterprises have a wide range of valuable market research and competitive intelligence content in various repositories throughout the organization. The problem is the content is virtually buried—think SharePoint sites—which makes it largely unfindable, and therefore unusable. And that negates the value of the investment in the content itself. Northern Light SinglePoint™ delivers on the promise of research-driven competitive advantage by making information easy to find and use for 250,000 professionals at Fortune 1000 enterprises worldwide. SinglePoint is a custom-built enterprise knowledge management platform that seamlessly integrates and enables full-text search of all of an organization’s research resources—from subscription services, business news, and internal research—to create an invaluable market research/competitive intelligence portal.
In addition, SinglePoint automatically mines the content for business insights. SinglePoint’s machine learning algorithms learn user and organizational preferences to serve up key insights, combining the best of human and machine intelligence to make the work users are doing even more valuable.
SinglePoint also offers an insight distribution ecosystem to share information and insights across the enterprise, where and with whom it would be most useful. Among the distribution mechanisms available are email alerts, RSS feeds, strategic dashboards, newsletters, personal dashboards, APIs, and mobile UIs. This ecosystem enables users who prefer to browse to content” rather than search for it–Millennials, for instance–multiple ways to get to the “good stuff” quickly.
Ultimately, SinglePoint users make better informed (and therefore better) business decisions, producing an ROI many times the portal’s cost.

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