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Mindbreeze, Daniel Fallmann, Managing Director: View From the Top

Managing the Big Data Gap
The digital universe is growing and growing - analysts predict that the digital universe will expand to 40,000 Exabyte by 2020. This means that global enterprises store and have access to an ever increasing mass of data. This information is the raw material for business success but how can make sure you find all the relevant information to make efficient decisions? How can companies extract the hidden value, particularly with regard to the fact that more and more data is saved unstructured in the company and/or in the cloud?  Experts believe that 23% of the currently existing information would be useful for Big Data if it was tagged and analyzed. "Managing the Big Data Gap" is the challenge of today and the future - to quickly and easily analyze and index the hidden data and to extract and pair the relevant knowledge - thereby maximizing its value. The future of a company depends on how it utilizes its information. Mindbreeze therefore focuses on providing enterprises with products that enable the effortless transformation of data into valuable knowledge relevant to day-to-day business. Shine a light on all your data and bring clarity to your relationships, both internally and externally, with the power of semantic search. The aim of Mindbreeze is to ensure the maximum possible reduction of manual effort in delivering pinpoint accurate information to the user-replacing the search process with an instant, intuitive finding experience.

Mindbreeze InSite is a new search and find solution that acts as a powerful beacon shining a spotlight on your websites, documents and social media, helping you and your customers find exactly what is needed. The cloud service delegates the searching to an invisible dynamic background process-via semantics and information pairing the user is simply presented with relevant knowledge. Light up your site with Mindbreeze InSite.

Mindbreeze InSpire - A brilliant way to harness the knowledge of your entire company. Consolidate data from enterprise and cloud sources. Slot the box in the rack. Configure the data sources. Start the indexing. And you can wake up to the advantages of a professional search for your company. Clearly structured results find for instance the emails, archived mail attachments, contracts, quotations or white papers that you need. You can even leverage the power of InSpire exactly where and how you need it by creating customized search apps that fit your specific business cases. Quickly, easily and without any programming knowledge.

But it is not enough to analyze and structure all this data. Humans are mobile and flexible - job profiles change - employees organize their work themselves and therefore need mobile access to data anytime and anywhere. The Mindbreeze mobile client fits this way of work perfectly, without compromising security.

Mindbreeze turns information into inspiration by giving you and your enterprise cutting edge business tools and a head start to solve the big data challenge.

Illuminate Information. www.mindbreeze.com

Mindbreeze Distributor-North America
Fabasoft Corporation
101 Federal Street, Suite 1900
Boston MA 02110

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