Upland Software, Laura Lockley, Head of Customer Success: What is KCS(R) (Knowledge Centered Service) and how is it different?
What is KCS® and how is it different?
KCS (Knowledge Centered Service) is a methodology and a set of practices that puts knowledge at the core of your organization. It’s usually very different to how people traditionally think of KM, I’ll outline some of the differences:
Everybody contributes. In KM, the knowledgebase (Kb), is full of content. It becomes a collection of knowledge from a few trusted writers. In KCS, everybody contributes. Everyone is expected to add to the Kb if something is missing.
Context of customer. The purpose of an article is to be findable and usable for the audience, so while we might also want to capture the technical detail, it’s imperative that we frame articles in the customer’s context.
Searching is not just to find answers. If you are lucky enough to know the answer, you are responsible for checking it’s in the Kb, and ready for the next person. Not only does everyone contribute knowledge, but everyone is responsible for maintaining that knowledge.
Just in time; not just in case.To enable you to create content in the context of the customer and take ownership of the content you interact with, adding and updating in-the-moment is a must, to ensure the context is preserved.
Technology enabled.Technology is a critical enabler for KCS. You need best of breed technology that is, at a minimum, KCSS Verified™ which supports these practices and enables your agents to contribute to the Kb.
About Upland Software
Upland Enterprise Knowledge Management solutions enable knowledge-sharing across different departments within an organization by delivering the right answer to the right person at the right time, resulting in more productive employees and happier, more loyal customers. To learn more about promoting knowledge- sharing across your organization, visit: https://uplandsoftware.com/rightanswers/.

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